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Wednesday, 23 October 2019 07:37

Assistant Professor of Spanish - Specialist in Translation and Interpreting, City University of New York

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures is seeking a well-rounded specialist who focuses on the theories, practice, and teaching of Translation & Interpreting Studies for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor.

Performs teaching, research and student advising duties in Spanish/English translation and interpreting. Shares responsibility for departmental and College committee work and other duties as assigned by the chair.

Required qualifications: Ph.D. in Translation and Interpreting Studies in Spanish or in a related discipline, such as Applied Linguistics in Spanish with a focus in translation and interpreting, from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or an equivalent non-U.S. institution by date of appointment. Native or near-native fluency in Spanish and English.

Ability to successfully teach Spanish to English and English to Spanish translation and interpreting courses at all levels of undergraduate instruction. Demonstrated scholarship or research achievement. Responsibilities will include working collaboratively with colleagues, the department, and the College. The successful candidate may also be expected to teach Spanish language courses at all levels of instruction.

Teaching, service and publication are required. Teaching duties include a 3/3 course load (six courses per year) of undergraduate courses, but beginning tenure-track appointments receive a significant course reduction while working toward tenure. Candidates are expected to bring enthusiasm and demonstrated commitment to teaching and to develop and maintain an active research and publication agenda. Service duties include actively recruiting, advising and mentoring Spanish majors and Certificate students.

Review of resumes to begin November 10, 2019.
Posting closes on December 1, 2019.

For more information, click here

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