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Monday, 26 June 2023 15:27

Lecturer in French Language Education, King's College London

Building and Campus: King’s Building, Strand Campus

Job description

  • To be responsible for teaching French language modules and internal and external French courses offered by the Language Centre at King’s College and at partner institutions/organisations.
  • To support the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader in the planning, running and development of all activities related to the teaching and assessment of French courses.
  • To develop and maintain scholarly projects related to French language and culture tuition. 

About the King’s Language Centre

King’s Language Centre (LC) is a semi-entrepreneurial department with over 100 members of staff. It sits within the School of Professional & Continuing Education (PACE). It teaches up to 25 languages and welcomes over 6,000 students each year to a variety of language courses. It has two broad and entwined remits: to provide language teaching and support in a range of formats to members of the King’s community; and to proactively pursue income-generating teaching opportunities with businesses, organisations and the wider London community. The LC also includes the Language Resources Centre which supports independent language learning with specialist language resources and work areas for students and teachers. In addition to a variety of learning resources (including grammar and course books, magazines, newspapers, CDs, DVDs and online subscriptions), face-to-face learning support, cultural workshops and speaking practice sessions are also available.”

About PACE

Set up 18 months ago, PACE’s role is to widen the educational reach of King’s as an integral part of the King’s lifelong learning offer and enhance the university’s scholarship of teaching and learning. The School offers an increasingly joined-up approach to a range of education experiences that are different to the typical degree, for individual learners, public and private sector groups, and partners, both in the UK and internationally. The School sits alongside the nine Faculties of the university and comprises six areas: King’s Academy, King’s Foundations, King’s Language Centre, King’s Online, King’s Professional & Executive Development and Summer Programmes. Each of these areas are well established, respected and recognised within and beyond the King’s community.  PACE delivers teaching (King’s Foundations, Summer Programmes, King’s Language Centre) and works collaboratively with our nine Faculties enabling them to deliver professional and online education (KPED and King’s Online). The School also supports educational and learning development of King’s staff and students (King’s Academy, King’s Foundations).

Contract type

This post will be offered on an indefinite contract

This is a full-time post – 100% full time equivalent


Deadline for applications: 2 July 2023

For more information, click here

Read 332 times Last modified on Monday, 26 June 2023 15:38

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