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Wednesday, 19 July 2023 11:54

Lecturer in French (E&S), University of Exeter, UK

This full-time post is available from 01/09/23 - 31/08/26 on a fixed term contract, in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences.

Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies is a vibrant and friendly Department. Within French and francophone studies our research and teaching interests range from the medieval period to the present day, from linguistics to gender studies, from film to publishing, from literary fiction to translation. We welcome applications within any area of French and francophone studies.

The role

The post of Lecturer in French will be to support the delivery of French language teaching at all levels, teaching on French culture modules at all undergraduate levels with the possibility of some MA teaching.

You will have responsibility for the design, development and production of teaching and learning material, will teach language at all levels, and will contribute to a range of cultural modules within French and Francophone Studies. You will work with the Head of Department, the Director of Education and Student Experience and the Director of Language Learning to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of teaching programmes in accord with the Faculty’s education strategy and implementing the External Affairs strategy. You may also contribute to the development and implementation of innovative teaching practices across the Faculty.

About you

For a Lecturer post you will:

  • Possess sufficient breadth or depth of specialist and core knowledge in the discipline, demonstrated by a PhD (or nearing completion) or equivalent in French to develop teaching programmes, and teach and support learning;
  • Use a range of delivery techniques to enthuse and engage students;
  • Participate in and develop external networks, for example, to contribute to student recruitment, secure student placements, facilitate outreach work, generate income, obtain consultancy projects, or build relationships for future activities;
  • Will have evidence of excellent teaching identified by peer review and have made an impact at discipline programme level beyond their own teaching;
  • Be expected to work towards Fellow of the HEA status and to attend formal CPD relating to this.

Deadline for applications: 7 August 2023

For more information, click here

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