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Monday, 28 August 2023 16:15

Lecturer (Teaching) in Translation (English to Arabic and/or French to English), UCL, UK

About us

SELCS is a world-leading centre for teaching, research and public engagement, focussing on the literature, linguistic traditions, history, sociology, philosophy, art, film and other aspects of the cultures associated with the languages we teach (Danish, Dutch, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Old Norse, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish). Our taught programmes are innovative and interdisciplinary; academic colleagues and students engage with many urgent concerns facing the world today by understanding Europe’s languages, cultures and histories and their impact globally. CenTraS is a major centre for translation studies, with a sizeable student body and a vibrant research culture. CenTraS runs two Masters programmes, the MA in Translation, and the MSc in Translation and Technology. Students taking the MA follow one of three strands: Translation Studies, Translation and Culture, or Research. Similarly, students taking the MSc can select from Audiovisual Translation (AVT), Scientific, Technical and Medical Translation, or Interpreting. Students on both programmes choose from a range of language pairs. While some language strands run on all modules each year, others run subject to student demand. CenTraS is a unit within SELCS but the language options on the MA and MSc extend beyond European languages to Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and Arabic.

About the role

The postholder(s) will teach language-specific strands on the modules below. The post can be shared between more than one person if necessary. Candidates with expertise in only French-English or English-Arabic are strongly encouraged to apply, as are candidates with expertise in only some of the specialist areas. From English into Arabic: Scientific and Technical Translation Medical Translation Subtitling Voiceover & Dubbing Consecutive and Liaison Interpreting From French into English: Subtitling Voiceover & Dubbing In addition to teaching on the above modules, the post-holder will second-mark other translation modules, and supervise and/or second-mark translation dissertation projects in relevant subject areas. In-house training is available to extend knowledge of relevant specialist areas. This is a part time role that corresponds to 0.275 full-time equivalent.The number of contact teaching hours associated with the post is approximately 20 (0.0625 FTE) for French into English and 68 (0.2125 FTE) for English into Arabic. Interviews to be held on 20 September 2023. The successful candidate(s) will be expected to take up the position(s) on 25 September 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.

About you

The successful candidate(s) will have expert knowledge in scientific, technical and medical translation (English-Arabic), and/or audiovisual translation (French-English / English-Arabic), and/or consecutive and liaison interpreting (English-Arabic), as per the above job description. They will have EITHER Native knowledge of English and Arabic, plus fluency in French OR Native knowledge of English and fluency in French OR Native knowledge of Arabic and fluency in English. They will have a PhD in translation studies or professional experience in the relevant sector(s) of the translation and interpreting industry, a commitment to high quality teaching, and excellent organisational skills and ability to manage time and work to strict deadlines.

For more information, click here

Deadline for applications: 8 September 

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