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Wednesday, 24 January 2024 12:36

Junior or senior professor in translation studies and Hispanic culture, University of Antwerp

Department: Department of Linguistics
Regime Full-time

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The Department of Applied Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting Studies in the Faculty of Arts has the following fulltime (100 %) vacancy: junior or senior professor in the field of Translation Studies and Hispanic culture


You will contribute to the University of Antwerp’s three core tasks: education (40 %), research (40 %) and services (20 %). Your role will also include organisational and managerial aspects.


  • You will provide high-quality education in Translation Studies and Hispanic culture.
  • The teaching load may evolve in function of the course programme and internal consultation with colleagues. The total teaching load will be maximum 24 ECTS and minimum 18 ECTS.
  • You will teach:
    • Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain (BA2, 3 ECTS): this course provides a general introduction to the history and political structures of Spain;
    • Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar (BA2, 3 ECTS): this subject covers Spanish cultural and social aspects through individual and group activities to simultaneously improve reading, listening and speaking skills in Spanish;
  • Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America (BA3, 3 ECTS): this course provides a general introduction to the history and political structures of Latin America;
  • Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar (BA3, 3 ECTS): this subject covers Latin American cultural and social aspects through individual and group activities to simultaneously improve reading, listening and speaking skills in Spanish;
  • Spanish: Area Studies (Master in Translation, Master in Interpreting, 3 ECTS): Starting from a thorough general knowledge of the Spanish and Latin American cultural field (see BA subjects), certain topics relevant to the Master of Translation and Master of Interpreting are explored in depth;
  • Translation and Interpreting Studies (BA2, partim, 1.5 out of 3 ECTS): in this course, you will cover the main paradigms and research approaches in contemporary translation studies.
  • Translation Studies: Terminology, Literature, Research in Audiovisual Translation (Master in Translation, partim, 1 out of 3 ECTS): in this course, you will teach a number of lectures on the main research aspects, methods and theories concerning literary translation and relate them to the practice of literary translation
  • New BA elective course (BA in applied linguistics, 3 ECTS, open to all students in applied linguistics, whatever their language combination)
  • You will play a role in developing activating, student-centred and competence-driven programme components and study programmes.
  • You will supervise students during the writing of bachelor’s and master’s papers.


  • You will build academic research in Translation Studies and Hispanic Culture.
  • Content alignment with ongoing research in the TricS research group is an asset.
  • You will initiate new lines of research and coordinate the progress of scientific research projects. You will also participate in ongoing research programmes.
  • You will acquire and manage national and international research funding.
  • You will publish in international peer-reviewed journals and write, edit and contribute to books published by leading scientific publishers.
  • You will develop an international scientific network.
  • You will supervise PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.


  • You will play a role in the provision of both academic services and service to society, within the institution and externally. You will participate in student recruitment, boards and committees, and popular communication to a non-academic audience.

Organisation and leadership

  • You will accept coordinating responsibilities in the areas of education, research and/or services and you will contribute to policy.
  • Your leadership style will be motivating and coaching. You will be attentive to your employees’ growth and development processes.

Deadline for applications: 26 February

For more information, click here.

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