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Tuesday, 13 November 2012 21:50

Job Opening: Assistant Professor of Spanish Translation and Interpreting

The University of Texas at Brownsville, USA
Position Number: FY 13-21

Scope: The Department of Modern Languages, University of Texas at Brownsville, invites applications for a Tenure Track position at the Assistant Professor rank to start in Fall 2013.

In a privileged location on the U.S.-Mexico border, next to the Gulf of Mexico, and within a bicultural, bilingual campus community, UTB-TSC has been offering Translation and Interpreting courses for more than three decades. UTB-TSC currently offers an Associate of Arts program in Spanish Translation, a Bachelor of Arts Major in Spanish Translation and Interpreting, a Minor in French Language and Translation, and an undergraduate Certificate in Medical Interpreting. At the graduate level, UTB offers a Certificate in Translation Studies as well as a full-fledged Master of Arts program in Spanish Translation and Interpreting.

With more than 150 declared students in these programs, no less than a dozen different courses and sections in T&I are offered every semester, ranging from foundation, sophomore courses in Translation to specialized courses in Legal Translation, Simultaneous Interpreting, Audiovisual Translation, Translation Technologies, Finance and Business Translation and Literary Translation, among others.

Details about the Translation and Interpreting courses and programs can be found online at

Duties: Successful candidate must be willing to teach online courses on a regular basis. Ability to teach Translation Technologies is preferred. Strong commitment to graduate and undergraduate teaching of Spanish Translation and Interpreting.

Education: Ph.D. in Translation Studies or Spanish with a closely related area of specialization is required. 18+ Graduate credit hours in French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese or Arabic a plus. ABD status may exceptionally be considered. Native or near-native command of English & Spanish required.

Experience: Candidates must provide evidence of an active scholarly agenda and commitment to teaching excellence in the field of Translation Studies and T&I Training. Candidates must have strong organizational skills and willingness to participate in the growth, expansion and coordination of the existing programs. Expertise in Legal Translation and/or Court Interpreting a priority.

Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications.

Deadline: Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and continue until the position is filled. The review process will start in early January 2013.
Application Procedure: Download and complete a faculty application from:, Candidates should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation and transcripts (a copy will be acceptable for applying). Submit application materials to:

Office of Human Resources
The University of Texas at Brownsville
80 Fort Brown
Brownsville, Texas 78520
(956) 882-8205 - Fax (956) 882-7476

For additional details, please address queries to:

José Dávila-Montes, PhD
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Coordinator of T&I programs.
Department of Modern Languages
The Univeristy of Texas at Brownsville
251 South Hall
80 Fort Brown
78526 Brownsville, TX
(956) 882-8215 ·

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