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Thursday, 26 September 2013 11:11

First International Translation Day Colloquium

The University of Texas at Brownsville will celebrate its First International Translation Day Colloquium on Monday, September 30 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. (US Central Time). The event will be webcast live at the following address:

UTB's First International Translation Day Colloquium seeks to
discuss a number of key aspects related to the practice of
translation and interpreting in professional settings as they
impinge on different areas of specialization, such as literary
translation, court interpreting, and sign language interpreting.

Three experts from across the state of Texas will bring their
insights to the colloquium: Dr. Marko Miletich (University of
Texas at Arlington), Dr. Melissa Wallace (University of Texas at
San Antonio), and Professor Rosemary Liñan-Landa
(University of Texas at Brownsville).

Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Elena Fernández-Miranda
(Directorate General for Translation, European Commission), who
will present her latest publication: Sobre la traducción
(Cátedra, 2012), a Spanish translation of two foundational
texts in Translation Studies: Eugene Nida's Toward a Science of
Translating and The Theory and Practice of Translation.

The schedule (US Central Time) is as follows:
4:30 p.m. | Welcome remarks
4:40 p.m. | Opening by Dr. Javier Martínez, Dean of the
College of Liberal Arts
4:50 p.m. | Dr. Elena Nida (DGT): Eugene Nida, Pioneer of Modern
Translatology: His Theory and Ideas as Presented in Sobre la
traducción, a Spanish Translation of Toward a Science of
Translating and The Theory and Practice of Translation
5:35 p.m. | Q
5:45 p.m. | Dr. Marko Miletich (University of Texas at
Arlington): The Gendering of Translation
6:05 p.m. | Q
6:15 p.m. | Dr. Melissa Wallace (University of Texas at San
Antonio): You've Got Work to Do: TI Graduates as Changemakers in
Policy, Research, Training and Practice
6:35 p.m. | Q
6:45 p.m. | Rosemary Liñn-Landa (University of Texas at
Brownsville): Stepping Stones into the Sign Language
Interpreting Profession
7:05 p.m. | Q
7:15 p.m. | Concluding remarks

For more information, please contact event organizer Jorge
Jimínez-Bellver at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
<>  or (956) 882-7450 or UTB's
Translation and Interpreting Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
<mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>  or (956) 882-7450.
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