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Edward Clay

This multi- and interdisciplinary conference explores cinematic adaptation as a
transnational practice between the area formerly known as Mitteleuropa and the US over the

last century from different angles and perspectives, with particular emphasis on German-
American relations. The conference will examine Hollywood films by expatriate directors,

German films based on American literary works, and American films based on German
literary works, including remakes and international co-productions from the early twentieth
to the twenty-first century. Particular attention will be given to émigré and exiled directors,
stars, and crews of the Pre- and Post-World-War years, to the Junger/Neuer Deutscher Film
of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, but also to contemporary co-productions and international
blockbusters. We welcome proposals addressing the manifold forms that adaptation can take
in order to reflect on its discursive effects on both sides of the Atlantic.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The “literary canon” of US-Mitteleuropean cinematic adaptation (Eric Maria
Remarque, Patricia Highsmith, Vera Caspary, James L. Cain, etc.)
- Adaptation and expatriate directors (Michael Curtiz, Fritz Lang, Ernst Lubitsch,
Otto Preminger, Robert Siodmark, Douglas Sirk, Erich von Stroheim, Josef von
Sternberg, Billy Wilder, Fred Zinnemann, etc.)
- Adaptation and the Junger/Neuer Deutscher Film (Schlöndorff, Fassbinder,
Wenders, etc.)
- Audiovisual translation as adaptation
- Post-adaptation effects: paratexts (book packaging: retitling, book covers, etc.)
and reception (book reviews, etc.)
- The mediating role of authors/scriptwriters/producers/actors in the adaptation
- Adaptation and film genres
- Adaptation and film remakes
- Adaptation and film scores
- Adaptation and place: the double careers of expatriate/international stars
- International co-productions (Wes Anderson, Wolfgang Petersen, Tom Tykwer,

Deadline for submissions: 25 February 2024

For more information, click here.

The School of English and Drama at Queen Mary University of London wishes to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on an ERC-2020-ADG-funded research project, ‘‘Textuality and Diversity: A Literary History of Europe and its Global Connections,1529-1683’ (Action number: 101021262), led by Professor Warren Boutcher (PI). The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will work under the supervision of Professor Boutcher.

The purpose of the project is to produce an interdisciplinary, multi-collaborator literary history of Europe and its global connections for the period between the early sixteenth and later seventeenth centuries, to be published by Oxford University Press.

The job’s purpose is to finalise a peer-reviewed research output (a chapter of max. 10000 words) by 31 August 2026 and to support research and editorial activities for the project ‘TextDiveGlobal’. The project is principally looking for someone with (a) a suitable topic of research in an area of need for one of four sections in the OUP output (‘Works’, ‘Forms’, ‘Spaces’, ‘Events’); (b) advanced editorial skills in academic English; (c) skills necessary to assist in compiling and editing database in liaison with a Digital Humanities support officer (including picture research). Queries from possible applicants can be addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Deadline for applications: 20 March 2024


For more information, click here.

Book translation involves border crossings of many kinds: between languages, cultures, geographies, historical periods, genres, etc. In this conference we want to focus on how literature crosses language borders within states, foregrounding in particular the actors, institutions and dynamics that shape translation in multilingual states. Large-scale histories of (literary) translation are most often written in and about countries whose territorial borders equal language borders (e.g. Frank & Turk 2004; Schögler 2023; Sapiro 2008; Schoenaers 2021).

But monolingual states are rather the exception than the rule in the international system, and many officially monolingual states sustain multilingual literary cultures, whether via officially recognized regional and local languages, or non-recognized variants. How can the state of the art of translation research be enriched by singling out “those situations in which nation state and linguistic unity do not overlap” (Leperlier 2022: 130; Leperlier 2021)? Within any given state, books are indeed often produced in ‘plurilingual spaces’ and in different (variants of) languages (Leperlier 2021).

Do these books reach the citizens of the other linguistic community(ies) within that state, and if so, how? How is multilingual book production organised in a single-state context and what are its implications for nation-building and transnational relations? These questions can be addressed by drawing inspiration from recent work on multilingual spaces and national (literary) translation histories (e.g. Riikonen e.a. 2007; Kahn 2017), literary and cultural historiography (e.g. Chapman 2003; Schreiber 2016; Vanacker & Verschaffel 2022), cultural transfer and reception studies (e.g. D’hulst e.a. 2014; D’hulst & Koskinen 2021), sociology of translation (e.g. Sapiro 2008, Heilbron 2010), cultural policy and translation policy research (e.g. Meylaerts 2011 & 2018, Schreiber & D’hulst 2017, Maumevi?ien? e.a. 2019, Paquette 2019, McMartin 2019, Schögler 2023), transcultural studies (Bachmann-Medick 2019), memory studies (Erll 2011, Deane-Cox & Spiessens 2022) and big translation history (Roig-Sanz & Folica 2021).

Call for papers

In this conference, we encourage contributors to explore how books circulate through translation in multilingual states. We seek original conference papers that address the relationship between a state’s multilingualism and its intra-state translation flows.

In relation to this central question, a number of sub-questions can be raised, including but not limited to:

  • What are the flows of book translation in a multilingual state (direction, evolution)?
  • How can we collect and map data on intra-state translation flows? What databases and sources are available for this purpose and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
  • What role do branding and positioning play in translation flows in multilingual states, particularly as it relates to different genres, themes, authors and mediators?
  • Do hierarchies or other kinds of relationships between languages play a role in intra-state book translation flows?
  • What is the relationship between book translation in a multilingual state and language proficiency?
  • What is the relationship between book translation and (cultural) policy in multilingual states? Which institutions play a role and to what political ends?
  • What is the role of third actors (such as other regions, linguistic or cultural communities, or states) in shaping the translation flows of a multilingual state? Can translation flows be isolated in the context of a single state or should a transnational context be taken into account?
  • What is the relationship between book translation and identity formation or cultural memory creation in multilingual states?
  • Does it make sense to speak of national literatures in multilingual states?
  • What are the usefulness and limits of a ‘national bibliography’ and national ‘legal deposit’?
  • Do translated books that emerge in multilingual states or circulate via intra-state translation flows exhibit specific paratextual features?
  • What kinds of intra-state translation flows typify the (literary) cultures of multilingual states besides book translations? Do more translations take place outside the medium of the book, e.g. in theatre, magazines, websites,…?

Proposals (ca. 300 words) for 20-minute conference papers and a biographical note should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1 April 2024. We encourage submissions from researchers around the world and in all career stages. Proposals and papers should be written in English. The committee will announce its decisions by 2 May 2024. Selected contributions will be considered for inclusion in a peer-reviewed volume. Accepted papers and presentations will be made openly available with a DOI identifier to promote Open Science.

For more information, click here.

Position Description:

The McGill School of Continuing Studies (SCS) invites applications for a full-time Assistant Professor (CAS) position in Multilingual Digital Communication.

This is a full-time ranked academic, non-tenure-track position with an initial appointment of three (3) years with the possibility of renewal subject to performance. The successful candidate will collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of experts to build, develop, teach in, and make other contributions (e.g., incubating new initiatives such as applied research projects or other entrepreneurial ventures) to the School’s new Master’s in Multilingual Digital Communication, a cutting-edge program and the first of its kind in Canada that sits at the crossroads of the communication, language (translation), and tech industries. 

For more information, click here.

Deadline for applications: 10 Feb 2024

Edited by Carme Mangiron (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and Mária Koscelníková (Constantine the Philosopher University)

The video game industry has become a worldwide phenomenon, generating millions in revenue every year. Video games are increasingly becoming more elaborate and sophisticated, with advanced graphics and intricate story lines, and developers and publishers need to reach the widest possible audience in order to maximise their return on investment. Translating games into other languages and designing games that can be played for a wide spectrum of players, regardless of their (dis)ability, are two obvious ways to contribute to increasing the audience for the game industry. In addition, games are increasingly being used for “serious” purposes beyond entertainment, such as education, and such games should also be designed inclusively, to facilitate access to them by all types of players.

Research on game localisation and accessibility has been gaining momentum in recent years. In particular, the number of studies analysing game localisation from different perspectives has increased dramatically, while game accessibility remains a relatively unexplored topic.

This issue of L10N Journal will cover the following topics. Proposals about related topics are also welcome: 

  • Game localisation process
  • Standardisation and quality issues
  • Game localisation best practices
  • The game localisation industry today
  • The future of the localisation industry
  • Technology in game localisation
  • AI in game localisation
  • Machine translation and postediting in game localisation
  • Cultural adaptation in games
  • Transcreation
  • Humour in games
  • Gender issues in game localisation
  • Dubbing and subtitling for games
  • Localisation of online, mobile phone and tablet games, social games
  • Localisation of indie games
  • Localisation of serious games
  • Video game fan translation
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Video games and Translation Studies
  • The language of gaming
  • Game accessibility
  • Design for all, inclusive design

Please send your articles to the editors of the issue, Carme Mangiron (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and Mária Koscelníková (Constantine the Philosopher University) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject: “L10N Journal Game Insights 2024” by 31st January 2024. The author guidelines can be found here. The publication of the issue is planned for June 2024.

For more information, click here.

Co-Editors of the issue:

Prof. Sherry Simon, PhD

Dr. Krzysztof Majer

With this volume, we aim to stimulate an interdisciplinary discussion of translation—its nature, processes, and capacities—in the context of urban space and various attendant modes of mobility. As Siri Nergaard reminds us, translation always implies a spatial dimension: inevitably “conditioned by space,” it can also “promote or provoke changes in the perception and the use of spaces and places” (9). This necessitates a different conceptualization of space as “a site where production and interpretation are intermingled, where translations occur and where identity is reinterpreted” (Simon, “Introduction” 11).

We are interested not only in how cultural transfer is enabled and negotiated, but also in actions that may limit or impede transmissibility. After all, the central figure invoked in Sherry Simon’s Cities in Translation is that of Hermes: “the god of both separation and connection [who] protects boundaries but through his magical powers also provides safe passage for travellers” (xv–xvii). This highly unstable entity—“messenger and trickster, trader and thief” (Simon, Cities xvii)—can also be seen as “a hermeneut: an inquiring mind, an interpreter of texts and a mediator across languages” (xvii–xviii).

The prospective volume is designed to continue, and expand on, various strands of scholarly discussion initiated by Sherry Simon’s publications (e.g., Translation Sites: A Field Guide, 2019; Cities in TranslationIntersections of Language and Memory, 2012; Translating Montreal: Episodes in the Life of a Divided City, 2006), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and the City (edited by Tong King Lee, 2021), the “Space” issue of Translation: A Transdisciplinary Journal (vol. 7, edited by Sherry Simon and Siri Nergaard, 2018), and the “The City as Translation Zone” issue of Translation Studies (vol. 7, no. 2, edited by Michael Cronin and Sherry Simon, 2014), among others.

We invite researchers in all fields related to translation to submit papers that will engage with the histories and contemporary lives of cities across the globe, not only Europe and North America, but also cities in Africa, Asia, Latin America. Former colonial cities are of particular interest as they develop new relationships across histories. Also of interest are symbolic sites in cities that bring together languages in specific ways: markets, hotels, bridges, opera houses. Translation and language relations can be approached through a great variety of methods—whether it be sociolinguistics, literature, communication theory, or artistic practices, including cinema.

Researchers are invited to engage with the following (the list is not exhaustive):

  • relationships between language and urban space;
  • translational/dual cities;
  • urban zones of translational resistance;
  • cultural meanings shaped through language interaction within the city;
  • urban forces impeding the transfer of language and memory;
  • dialogues between cities;
  • the city as translational palimpsest;
  • contested memories;
  • postcoloniality and translation spaces;
  • literary accounts of the multilingual city;
  • symbolic sites of language encounter;
  • artistic practices of language encounter, including avant-garde and experimental forms;
  • translators as city dwellers and cultural agents;
  • cities translated through violence, occupation, appropriation;
  • neighbours, strangers, immigrants, foreigners: translating otherness in the city.

Deadline for submissions: 31 Jan 2024

For more information, click here.

Guest Editor: Monika Zabrocka, Jagiellonian University in Krakow ANGLICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES is an open-access, annual, peer-reviewed journal in literary, cultural, and linguistic studies published both in print and online under the auspices of the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland. The journal is indexed in SCOPUS, DOAJ, CEEOL, MLA, BazHum, EBSCO, MIAR, Index Copernicus, ERIHPLUS, Sherpa Romeo, and included in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. The editors encourage scholars from across the academy to explore and provide their unique insight within the suggested thematic focus of Navigating New Frontiers: New Paradigms in Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. 

Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2024

For more information, click here.

Dear Esteemed Authors and Editors,

I hope this message finds you well. We are thrilled to share some exciting news regarding TRANS-KATA journal's recent accreditation by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, attaining outstanding results. This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and invaluable contributions of each one of you.

As we celebrate this milestone, we are excited to announce the upcoming release of Volume 4, Issue 2, scheduled for May 2024. We invite you to submit your latest research papers and manuscripts to be considered for publication in this upcoming issue. Your expertise and unique perspectives are crucial in maintaining the high standards of TRANS-KATA .

Submission Deadline: 2 February 2024

To submit your papers or inquire about the submission process, please visit our online submission portal [insert link] or contact our editorial team at

Kindly circulate this Call for Papers to your colleagues and students who may be interested in submitting their research.  

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to TRANS-KATA. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions for the upcoming issue and continuing our journey of scholarly excellence together. 

For more information, click here.

Department: Department of Linguistics
Regime Full-time

Let’s shape the future - University of Antwerp

The University of Antwerp is a dynamic, forward-thinking, European university. We offer an innovative academic education to more than 20000 students, conduct pioneering scientific research and play an important service-providing role in society. We are one of the largest, most international and most innovative employers in the region. With more than 6000 employees from 100 different countries, we are helping to build tomorrow's world every day. Through top scientific research, we push back boundaries and set a course for the future – a future that you can help to shape.

The Department of Applied Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting Studies in the Faculty of Arts has the following fulltime (100 %) vacancy: junior or senior professor in the field of Translation Studies and Hispanic culture


You will contribute to the University of Antwerp’s three core tasks: education (40 %), research (40 %) and services (20 %). Your role will also include organisational and managerial aspects.


  • You will provide high-quality education in Translation Studies and Hispanic culture.
  • The teaching load may evolve in function of the course programme and internal consultation with colleagues. The total teaching load will be maximum 24 ECTS and minimum 18 ECTS.
  • You will teach:
    • Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain (BA2, 3 ECTS): this course provides a general introduction to the history and political structures of Spain;
    • Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar (BA2, 3 ECTS): this subject covers Spanish cultural and social aspects through individual and group activities to simultaneously improve reading, listening and speaking skills in Spanish;
  • Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America (BA3, 3 ECTS): this course provides a general introduction to the history and political structures of Latin America;
  • Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar (BA3, 3 ECTS): this subject covers Latin American cultural and social aspects through individual and group activities to simultaneously improve reading, listening and speaking skills in Spanish;
  • Spanish: Area Studies (Master in Translation, Master in Interpreting, 3 ECTS): Starting from a thorough general knowledge of the Spanish and Latin American cultural field (see BA subjects), certain topics relevant to the Master of Translation and Master of Interpreting are explored in depth;
  • Translation and Interpreting Studies (BA2, partim, 1.5 out of 3 ECTS): in this course, you will cover the main paradigms and research approaches in contemporary translation studies.
  • Translation Studies: Terminology, Literature, Research in Audiovisual Translation (Master in Translation, partim, 1 out of 3 ECTS): in this course, you will teach a number of lectures on the main research aspects, methods and theories concerning literary translation and relate them to the practice of literary translation
  • New BA elective course (BA in applied linguistics, 3 ECTS, open to all students in applied linguistics, whatever their language combination)
  • You will play a role in developing activating, student-centred and competence-driven programme components and study programmes.
  • You will supervise students during the writing of bachelor’s and master’s papers.


  • You will build academic research in Translation Studies and Hispanic Culture.
  • Content alignment with ongoing research in the TricS research group is an asset.
  • You will initiate new lines of research and coordinate the progress of scientific research projects. You will also participate in ongoing research programmes.
  • You will acquire and manage national and international research funding.
  • You will publish in international peer-reviewed journals and write, edit and contribute to books published by leading scientific publishers.
  • You will develop an international scientific network.
  • You will supervise PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.


  • You will play a role in the provision of both academic services and service to society, within the institution and externally. You will participate in student recruitment, boards and committees, and popular communication to a non-academic audience.

Organisation and leadership

  • You will accept coordinating responsibilities in the areas of education, research and/or services and you will contribute to policy.
  • Your leadership style will be motivating and coaching. You will be attentive to your employees’ growth and development processes.

Deadline for applications: 26 February

For more information, click here.

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