Changing Landscape in Translation
Yves Gambier
Translation Studies: Pre-Discipline, Discipline, Interdiscipline, and Post-Discipline
Edwin Gentzler
The Inscience of Translation
Douglas Robinson
The Reality of Arabic Fiction Translation into English: A Sociological Approach
Abdel Wahab Khalifa; Ahmed Elgindy
Translation of Rhetorical Figures in the Advertising Discourse: A Case Study
Ying Cui; Yanli Zhao
'Minor' Languages, 'Broken' Translations: On Brazilian Reworkings of an Albanian Novel
Christofer Larkosh
Police Interpreting: A View from the Australian Context
Muhammad Y Gamal
Translation Norms and the Importation of the Novel into Persian
Omid Azadibougar
Transculturation and Multilingual Lives: Writing between Languages and Cultures
Piotr Kuhiwczak
Critical Readings in Translation Studies, Edited by M. Baker (Routledge, 2010)
Masood Khoshsaligheh