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Monday, 27 October 2014 23:51

New Voices in Translation Studies - Issue 11 (Fall 2014)

New Voices in Translation Studies - Issue 11 (Fall 2014)

IATIS is pleased to announce the online publication of the ELEVENTH issue of New Voices in Translation Studies. Issue 11 consists of seven articles by young researchers and twelve abstracts of recently submitted Ph.D. theses. The seven papers of this issue fall into three broad areas of research: literary translation, translator training and audio-visual translation. The articles draw on a wide range of topics which reflect the interdisciplinary nature of Translation Studies, bringing insights from several different fields of knowledge including anthropology, cognitive science cultural studies, literary studies, philosophy, psychology, sociolinguistics and sociology. The twelve abstracts may be summarized with the following keywords: adaptation, advertising, audio description, audiovisual translation, comparable corpora, comparative literature, constraint, dubbing, East-West studies, fansubbing, feminine stereotypes, habitus, indirect translation, metaphor typology, multimodality, paratext, peripheral languages/cultures, role of translator, Shakespeare, task-based translator training program, thick translation, translation competence, translation equivalence, translational footnote, translationese.

The free, open-access journal is available through the IATIS website,, at

This issue also marks a change in the New Voices staff as Sue-Ann Harding and Dorothea Martens retire from their editorial duties and David Charlston, M. Zain Sulaiman, Alice Casarini and Gloria Kwok Kan Lee join Geraldine Brodie and Elena Davitti as new members of the editorial team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Sue-Ann and Dorothea most sincerely for their generous contribution to the journal over the past years.

Issue 12 (2015) may be expected to see publication in Spring 2015 and will introduce a section dedicated to book reviews.

Previous issues of New Voices in Translation Studies are available at

New Voices in Translation Studies is a refereed electronic journal co-sponsored by IATIS and the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies (CTTS) at Dublin City University. The aim of the journal is to disseminate high quality original work by new researchers in Translation Studies to a wide audience. New Voices welcomes submissions of papers, abstracts of recently submitted PhD theses and book reviews. As specified in the Editorial Policy, preference will be given to contributions by researchers new to the field. However, contributions from more experienced researchers will also always be welcome. Submissions should be formatted according to the guidelines on our website and sent to newvoices(a)

Geraldine Brodie, Elena Davitti, David Charlston, M. Zain Sulaiman, Alice Casarini and Gloria Kwok Kan Lee





Chaucer Abducted: Examining the Conception of Translation behind the Canterbury Tales
James Hadley, University of East Anglia, UNITED KINGDOM

The 'Permanent Unease' of Cultural Translation in the Fiction of Guillermo Fadanelli
Alice Whitmore, Monash University, AUSTRALIA

Face Management in Literary Translation
Yuan Xiaohui, University of Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM

Jacques Lacan and the Intrinsic (Un)translatability of Names: "Name" in the English-Chinese Translation of Winterson's Art & Lies
Franziska Cheng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, CHINA

Integrative Complexity: An innovative technique for assessing the quality of English translations of the Qur'an
James W. Moore (Defence Research and Development, Canada), Peter Suedfeld (University of British Columbia), Lianne McLellan (Defence Research and Development, Canada), CANADA

Machine Translation: A Problem for Translation Theory
Tomasz Rozmyslowicz, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz/Germersheim, GERMANY

The new norm(al) in TV comedy: Rendering culturally-derived humour in The New Normal
Katerina Perdikaki, University of Surrey, UNITED KINGDOM


The Perception of American Adolescent Culture Through the Dubbing and Fansubbing of a Selection of US Teen Series from 1990 to 2013
Alice Casarini, University of Bologna, ITALY

Translational Footnotes and the Positioning of Unfamiliar Literature: Capital Flow in Translations of Angela Carter's Fiction in Taiwan
Jui-yin Chao, Chung Yuan Christian University, TAIWAN

Agency in the Translation and Production of Novels from English in Modern Iran
Hamed Ghaemi, University of Tehran, Kish International Campus, IRAN

Dubbing The Flintstones and The Simpsons in French. A Comparative Perspective between France and Québec
Justine Huet, Mount Royal University, CANADA

A Machine Learning Approach to the Identification of Translational Language: An Inquiry into Translationese Learning Models
Iustina Ilisei, Research Institute in Information and Language Processing, University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM

In Others' Words: A Study of Italian Quotations in the Comparative Method of Qian Zhongshu
Tiziana Lioi, Milan Bicocca University, ITALY

The audio description of the detective TV mini-series Luna Caliente: a proposal of translation based on narratology
Renata de Oliveira Mascarenhas, State University of Ceará, BRAZIL

Translating Metaphor in Economic Newspaper Articles: a Case Study of the Translation of Conceptual and Linguistic Metaphors from English into Arabic
Maria Nader, University of Portsmouth, UNITED KINGDOM

Between Peripheries: Towards an External History of Portuguese Translation of Polish Literature (1855-2010)
Hanna Pięta, Centre for English Studies, University of Lisbon, PORTUGAL

Beyond Words: A Multimodal Approach to Translation Applied to Global Standardised Advertising Campaigns in International Women's Magazines
Isabel Santafé Aso, University of Exeter, UNITED KINGDOM

The Problem of Equivalence in the Translations of Arvind Adiga's The White Tiger, Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code and Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist from English into Marathi
Datta G. Sawant, TACS College affiliated to SRTM University, Nanded, Maharashtra, INDIA

Translation under Negotiation. The Textual Interplay of Translators and Editors in Contemporary Finnish Shakespeare Translation
Nestori Siponkoski, University of Vaasa, FINLAND

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