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Sunday, 16 November 2014 14:49

Przekładaniec 28: Audiodeskrypcja [Audio Description]

New issue of Przekładaniec Journal of Literary Translation Przekładaniec 28: Audiodeskrypcja [Audio Description]

edited by Anna Jankowska and Agnieszka Szarkowska is available online at

All papers in this issue are published in Polish, with English abstracts and keywords.
Przekładaniec 28: Audiodeskrypcja focuses specifically on audio description, bringing together its theorists, practitioners (authors/translators) and recipients. Across eleven papers, AD is discussed in a number of different contexts, from classroom to cinema. The issue presents individual as well as collaborative, and qualitative and well as quantitative research: case studies, project presentations, and theoretical discussions. Together they constitute an insightful presentation of audio description as a specific kind of audiovisual/intermedial/intersemiotic translation.
Apart from papers on audio description, this issue features a Varia section with a discussion of three Polish translations of Alice in Wonderland by the same translator/adaptor, and a Reviews section with papers discussing two recent books on the translation of Szymborska and Dostoevsky, respectively.

Przekładaniec is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which investigates translation as a literary genre, a craft and a form of intercultural communication. We publish papers in theoretical, descriptive and applied translation studies. Our contributors include scholars from a variety of disciplines: translation theory and history, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology of translation, literary criticism, comparative literature, history of literature, modern languages, classical studies, feminist studies, linguistics, Polish studies. Our themed issues encourage both theoretical reflection and exchanges between practitioners. Our "Varia" section features work from outside particular themes. Our "Reviews" section presents recent publications, especially books published in languages other than English.

Przekładaniec is indexed in: European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH); Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN).
The journal is published by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Jagiellonian University Press).

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