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Wednesday, 14 December 2016 11:21

Przekładaniec: A Journal of Translation Studies 31: Przekład na scenie [Translation on Stage]


Devoted to various aspects of drama and theatre translation, the issue features theoretical discussions of theatricality and performability, and case studies dealing with different cultures, periods and genres – from Greek and Roman classics, through Shakespeare, to modern drama, radio play and comedy sketch. Bringing together fourteen translation scholars from Poland and abroad, it offers a kaleidoscopic view of some of the key concepts, specific challenges, and historical developments in translating for the stage.

Issue editor: Monika Woźniak

The issue is published in Polish, with English abstracts.

Individual papers can be purchased at

To buy the whole issue in paper version, please contact the publisher at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Przekładaniec is an indexed peer-reviewed journal which investigates translation as a literary genre, a craft and a form of intercultural communication. We publish papers in theoretical, descriptive and applied translation studies. Our contributors include scholars from a variety of disciplines: translation theory and history, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology of translation, literary criticism, comparative literature, history of literature, modern languages, classical studies, feminist studies, linguistics, Polish studies. Our themed issues encourage both theoretical reflection and exchanges between practitioners. Our ‘Varia’ section features work from outside particular themes. Our ‘Reviews’ section presents recent publications, especially books published in languages other than English.

Editor-in-Chief: Magda Heydel

Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Jagiellonian University Press).


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