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Monday, 18 April 2011 17:46

The Interpreter and Translator Trainer Volume 4, Number 1, 2010

A Case Study of the Use of Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Interpreting Students
Pages: 1-32

Author: Jemina Napier

This article details the findings of a systemic functional linguistic case study of university classroom talk, and in particular an evaluation of the storytelling that occurs in classroom talk and its functioning as a pedagogical tool with interpreting students. The data consists of two hours of naturalistic classroom talk that occurred with sign language interpreting students discussing the topic of interpreting ethics. The 'chunks' of the text comprised of storytelling were identified, and the stories were classified into genres. The study revealed exemplum stories to be the most common story genre, and that story genres were used by both the teacher and students to make meaning within the learning process. The findings of this study are innovative in that they demonstrate that storytelling is a feature of pragmatic teacher-student interaction, and is a pedagogical tool used to engage with sign language interpreting students in order to relate practical experience to theoretical constructs, which could be considered by spoken language interpreter educators if culturally appropriate.

Storytelling, Classroom talk, Systemic functional linguistics, Problem-based learning, Interpreter education

I Have Rhythm Therefore I Am: Exploiting the Linguistic Anthropology of Marcel Jousse in Exploring an African Curriculum for Translator Education
Pages: 33-46

Author: Kobus Marais

This article sets out to explore features of human interaction on the African continent with the aim of developing a contextualized pedagogy for translator education in Africa. It makes use of Jousse's linguistic anthropology, which conceptualizes the anthropos as expressing itself in rhythmo-mimismological gestes. This holistic conceptualization of human existence and communication is exploited as a framework within which to theorize the context of translator education in Africa as being at the interface of oralate and literate culture. The article aims not only to question dominant notions of language, communication, translation and pedagogy that have their roots in Western thought, but also to restore credibility to oralate human interaction and to rethink the translation of literature that has originated in oralate-literature culture or that is a hybrid between orality and literacy. Lastly, it attempts to draw implications from the above for a pedagogy for translator education in Africa.

Translator education, Orality, Pedagogy, African context, Gestes

Textual Competence and the Use of Cohesion Devices in Translating into a Second Language
Pages: 47-88

Authors: Da-Hui Dong and Yu-Su Lan

This article compares the differences in the use of textual features and cohesive devices among translators with different levels of translation competence. The data are extracted from a Chinese into English translation corpus, which consists of 315 translation passages produced by 105 translators. The features and devices identified in the literature review are first subjected to a one-way ANOVA and then a discriminant analysis to yield those features and devices statistically salient enough to differentiate translation competence levels. The results of this study provide insight into L2 translation competence and suggest a new approach to assessing such competence.

Chinese into English translation, Translation corpus, Textual competence, Cohesive devices, Discriminant analysis, Native and non-native English speakers, Translation assessment


Translator Training in the European Higher Education Area: Curriculum Design for the Bologna Process. A Case Study
Pages: 89-114

Author: Celia Rico

All across Europe, universities are currently engaged in a process of curricular reform to meet the requirements of the Bologna Declaration (1999) and, in doing so, create the European Higher Education Area by 2010. As part of this reform process, European higher education institutions aim to adopt easily comparable curricular structures, establish a common system of credit transfer, promote student mobility and develop shared quality assurance methodologies. This paper examines a number of pedagogical principles inspired by the Bologna agenda, including the growing pervasiveness of student-centred methodologies that encourage active learning and rely on new channels for trainer-trainee interaction. It is argued that this new pedagogical trend runs parallel to recent developments in translator training, such as social constructivism (Kiraly 2000) or task-based learning (Hurtado 1999, González Davies 2004), which also revolve around the student as the centre of the learning process. The paper then focuses on a pilot adaptation experience within the Spanish higher education system: the reform of the translation degree programme at Universidad Europea de Madrid. This account begins by placing the chosen case study within the wider context of legislative reform in Spain; it then moves on to outline the steps taken to ensure that the reformed curriculum meets the institutional requirements, as well as the rationale for the proposed distribution of curricular contents within the new degree structure. The advantages of using digital portfolios as instructional tools underpinning the implementation of key principles in the Bologna reform process are also examined.

Bologna Declaration, Higher education reform, European Higher Education Area, Digital portfolio, Translation competence, Socio-constructivism


Jorge Díaz Cintas and Aline Remael. Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling (Translation Practices Explained Series, vol. 11)
Pages: 115-118

Reviewed by Eithne O'Connell

Piotr Kuhiwczak and Karin Littau (eds). A Companion to Translation Studies (Topics in Translation Series, vol. 34)
Reviewed by Michał Borodo

Elia Yuste Rodrigo (ed.). Topics in Language Resources for Translation and Localisation
Reviewed by: Xu Jianzhong

Daniel Gouadec. Translation as a Profession (Benjamins Translation Library, vol. 73)
Reviewed by: Seán Ó Ciaráin

Paweł Płusa. Rozwijanie kompetencji przekładu i kształcenie tłumaczy [The Development of Translation Competence and the Education of Translators]
Reviewed by: Monika Linke

Theses Abstracts

Report on Second International Conference on Teaching Translation and Interpreting (TTI 2009)


Year of publication: 2010
Place of Publication & Publisher: Manchester: St Jerome Publishing (UK)
Publisher URL:

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