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Tuesday, 17 March 2020 10:47

Special Issue of Intralinea: The Translation of Dialects in Multimedia IV Featured

New Perspectives in Dialect and Multimedia Translation

This Special Issue continues the fruitful discussion on the translation of dialects, accents, and language variation that InTRAlinea began in 2010 with the publication of a Special Issue on ‘The Translation of Dialects in Multimedia’ (Giorgio Marrano, Nadiani and Rundle 2010), which was followed by the 2012 (Nadiani and Rundle) and 2016 (Brenner and Helin) issues on the same theme. As with the previous issues, this collection of articles stems from the scholarly debates and discussions that took place at the MultiMeDialecTranslation conference (MMDT7) in May 2017 at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark. In addition, it includes selected papers presented at MMDT6 in September 2014 at the ELTE in Budapest, Hungary. The articles herein deal with the wealth of issues connected to language variation from different perspectives, as well as its translation within audiovisual and literary contexts. As will become clear, most of the contributions focus on the translation of dialect in audiovisual works, some concentrating on captioning while others dealing with revoicing or even both (cf. Chaume 2013 for a detailed definition of these concepts). However, a number of articles also deal with other contexts such as theatre translation, literature and even lexicography.

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