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Monday, 14 November 2011 11:17

The Translator as Author

Authorship in translation: new publication
Claudia Buffagni, Beatrice Garzelli, Serenella Zanotti (eds) The Translator as Author. Perspectives on Literary Translation. Reihe: Übersetzungswissenschaft 2011, 248 pp. EUR 29.90, ISBN 978-3-643-10416-8 Book Synopsis: This volume is a collection of studies on authorship in translation. Leading translation scholars and professional translators discuss the theoretical implications and applicability of the author-translator paradigm. The relationship between translators and authors is addressed in its various manifestations, from the author-translator collaboration, to self-translation, to authorial practices of translating. While offering multiple perspectives, in terms of both theoretical approaches and cultural backgrounds, the volume offers an important and original contribution to the current debate. Contents: Claudia Buffagni: Towards a new definition of the translator’s role - Christiane Nord: Making the source text grow: a plea against “loss” in translation - Anthony Pym, The translator as non-author, and I am sorry about that - Bruno Osimo: Translation science 1959-2009: contributions from Eastern Europe - Franco Buffoni: Per una teoria soft della traduzione letteraria - Serenella Zanotti: The translator and the author: two of a kind? - Susan Bassnet, The translator as writer - Moshe Kahn: How to deal with dialects in translation? - Antonio Melis: Quando il poeta si traduce: le poesie quechua di José María Arguedas - Mario Fusco: Il problema delle ri-traduzioni - Yasmina Melaouah: Eco di un eco del mondo - Claudio Groff: Tradurre Grass con Grass - Barbara Ivančić: Dialogue between translators and authors. The example of Claudio Magris - Beatrice Garzelli: Translating cultures: mediation, authorship and the role of the translator - Tim Parks: Concerning the way in which translators should keep faith: a few notes on a new translation of Machiavelli’s The Prince - Maria Grazia Profeti: Traduzioni/riscritture teatrali: la commedia aurea spagnola e l’Italia - Maria Avino: The encounter between the West and the Arab world in the age of Nahøah (Renaissance). The translation movement in the Arab journals - Anna Maria Paoluzzi: From “la-mian” to “spaghetti”: translating contemporary Taiwanese writers into Italian - Rosa Lombardi: The reception of Chinese literature in Italy in the twentieth century: an analysis of the earliest translations of Chinese poetry
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