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Monday, 07 July 2014 18:09

IV International Conference on Corpus Use and Learning to Translate

27-29 May, 2015, University of Alicante, Spain


It is now ten years since the third and most recent CULT conference was held at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Its predecessors took place in Bertinoro, the first of them in 1997, in the University of Bologna's School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT), now known as the School of Language, Literature, Translation and Interpreting (SLLTI). Various studies dealing with the use of corpora in applied translation studies, and in translation training and professional practice in particular, have been published over the last decade, most of them carried out by scholars. However, while the literature corresponding to the field in question seems to be growing at a healthy rate, chiefly in relation to the concepts termed 뱇earning corpus use to translate?and 밹orpus use for learning to translate?at the last CULT conference, the uptake of corpora among professional translators appears to be rather slow, despite many of them describing such resources as useful. Perhaps it is worth adding that there is insufficient interest in the applied side of research on the aforementioned concepts, at least as far as holding events thereon is concerned.
Against that backdrop, the University of Alicante's Department of Translation and Interpreting is seeking to organise the 4th International Conference on Corpus Use and Learning to Translate, with a view to bringing together translation practitioners, researchers, teachers and other relevant people and:
- Furthering knowledge of corpus use, translation training and professional practice
- Familiarising professional translators with the potential benefits of applying corpus linguistics to their activity
- Discussing the use of corpora in translation training
- Gaining first-hand knowledge of how professional translators use corpora

The conference's Organising Committee invites scholars, researchers and especially professional translators to submit proposals for papers (abstracts) in English or Spanish in any of the following areas:
- Building and using DIY Corpora
- Corpora and translation training
- Corpora and translation practice
- Stabilising corpora for translators
- Uptake of corpora among professional translators
- Uptake of corpora among translator trainers

Proposals (abstracts) must be submitted in English and, where applicable, Spanish. Please click on the following link ( to upload proposals (maximum of 300 words each). Each applicant may submit one proposal only, or two if they are a co-author of at least one of their proposed papers. Please note that a strict limit of 20 minutes (plus 5 minutes for discussion) will be allowed for full papers.

- Abstract Submission: September 15, 2014
- Authors Notification: November 15, 2014
- Registration for speakers opens: January 7, 2015
- Early bird registration deadline for speakers: February 15, 2015
- Registration deadline for speakers: March 13, 2015
- Registration for attendees opens: March 16, 2015
- Early bird registration deadline for attendees: April 15, 2015
- Registration deadline for attendees: April 30, 2015
- Conference: 27-29 May, 2015

- Silvia Bernardini (Universit?di Bologna)
- Gloria Corpas (Universidad de M?aga)
- Ramesh Krishnamurthy (Aston University)
- Clara In? L?ez-Rodr?uez (Universidad de Granada)

- Daniel Gallego Hern?dez (Universidad de Alicante)
- Juan-Norbert Cubars?Elfering (Universidad de Alicante)
- Paola Masseau (Universidad de Alicante)
- Patricia Rodr?uez-In? (Universitat Aut?oma de Barcelona)
- Juliette Scott (University of Bristol)
- Miguel Tolosa-Igualada (Universidad de Alicante)

- Guy Aston (Universit?di Bologna)
- Frank Austerm?l (University of Auckland)
- Silvia Bernardini (Universit?di Bologna)
- Lynne Bowker (University of Ottawa)
- Mar? Calzada-P?ez (Universitat Jaume I)
- Gloria Corpas (Universidad de M?aga)
- Ana Frankenberg-Garcia (University of Surrey)
- Isabel Garc?-Izquierdo (Universitat Jaume I)
- Adelina G?ez-Gonz?ez (Universidad de Alicante)
- Miguel A. Jim?ez-Crespo (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
- Dorothy Kenny (Dublin City University)
- Ramesh Krishnamurthy (Aston University)
- Sara Laviosa (Universit?degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
- Clara In? L?ez-Rodr?uez (Universidad de Granada)
- Kirsten Malmkj? (University of Leicester)
- Pedro Mogorr?-Huerta (Universidad de Alicante)
- Pilar S?chez-Gij? (Universitat Aut?oma de Barcelona)
- Aquilino S?chez-P?ez (Universidad de Murcia)
- Chelo Vargas-Sierra (Universidad de Alicante)
- Geoffrey Williams (Universit?de Bretagne-Sud)
- Richard Xiao (Lancaster University)
- Federico Zanettin (Universit?degli studi di Perugia)

Early bird registration
Speakers: 100€
Attendees: 50€
UA Students: 30€

Standard registration
Speakers: 150€
Attendees: 75€
UA Students: 30€

The fee includes:
- Attending all the sessions of the conference
- Certificate of presentation (for speakers)
- Certificate of attendance (for non-speakers)
- Conference documentation
- Proceedings of the conference (for speakers)
- Coffee break & lunch


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