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Friday, 11 December 2015 07:25

Call for Contributions Panel 3: Negotiating power relations in Audiovisual (re)Translation - 3-5 March 2016, Macerata (Italy) Featured

Call for Contributions to PANEL 3 Negotiating power relations in Audiovisual (re)Translation

Languaging Diversity - 3-5 March, Macerata (Italy)

Audiovisual Translation is a fast growing field in Translation Studies, mainly due to the ongoing development of the technology used to create and translate audiovisual works. Indeed, the amount of films, TV series and shows that are being transferred across languages and cultures has increased enormously during the two decades. Countries that have traditionally dubbed or subtitled audiovisual works have also developed other captioning and revoicing techniques (e.g. partial dubbing, respeaking, etc.; cf. Chaume 2013). However, an interesting trend which has only been touched upon in TS is the issue of retranslating audiovisual material. There may be many reasons for proposing a new version of the same text (e.g. educational purposes, linguistic and cultural differences that characterise cultures sharing the same language; cf. for instance, the subtitling of the same foreign series in American, British and/or Australian English; cf. Dore forthcoming). Most importantly, some works may be redubbed and or resubtitled due to a new and, at times, more liberal approach to topics such as homosexuality and politics. For instance, some old movies whose original subtitling or dubbing was influenced by particular political situations at the time they were first produced (e.g. the Spanish and Italian dictatorships; cf. Zabalbeascoa 2010) are now being retranslated and made available to cinema-goers. In some other cases, audiovisual (re)translation may become a new way to question and/or interpret power relations. In this light, this panel wishes to bring the following issues to the fore: What are the linguistic and cultural implications involved in this type of diachronic and/or synchronic retranslations in terms of power relations? Is the audience’s perception and interpretation of these audiovisual works influenced by retranslation? Can any theoretical and methodological lessons be learnt? If so, can such lessons be systematically conceptualised to enhance AVT? Contributions are sough, but not limited to, around issue such as: Dubbing versus subtitling of films or TV series Retranslation as a way to challenge power relations Audience’s reception of retranslated audiovisual texts Corpus based analysis of retranslated audiovisual texts This panel is well suited to offer a set of presentations that aim to compare the various case studies presented by the prospective speakers. Hopefully, it will also foster a fruitful discussion among researchers and scholars, thus contributing to the theoretical and practical enhancement of AVT. The moderator will briefly present each contributor and lead the discussion.


Chaume, F. (2013) ‘The Turn of Audiovisual Translation. New Audiences and New Technologies’, Translation Spaces 2, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 105-123.Dore, M. (forthcoming) "CAMILLERI’S HUMOUR TRAVELS TO THE UK AND THE USA" in Proceedings of the Translata II Conference, Innsbruck.Zabalbeascoa, P. (2010) "Woody Allen's Themes through his Films, and Films through their Translation" in Chiaro, Delia (ed.) (2010) Translation, Humour and The Media. Volume 2, London and New York: Continuum.

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