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Saturday, 02 October 2010 17:16

Cross-Cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads II: Linguistic and Cultural Representations Across Media

Date: 2011-06-29
Venue: University of East Anglia, Norwich UK
Event theme(s): The theme of this second conference is ‘Linguistic and Cultural Representations across Media’, understood broadly as relating to the cross-over of language, mediation activities and media in a multilingual framework. It is intended to encompass communication and information flows in a range of contexts (e.g. the press, television and computer games, cinema, the theatre, museums, and the world wide web or other information channels); and to explore a range of activities central to the sharing of information and knowledge across languages and cultures in a global context: news transfer,multimedia and screen translation (e.g. subtitling, dubbing, etc.), stage translation and adaptation, the provision of multilingual information (e.g. in museums, trade fairs, etc.).


Questions that the conference will aim to explore across media under the theme of linguistic and cultural representations include:

  • Representations and the perpetuation of cultural a-priori and/or conflict
  • Representations as a vehicle promoting cross-cultural and cross-linguistic sensitivity
  • Representations as a locus for (re)-negotiations of individual and group identities
  • Representations as agents of hybridization of communicative practices
  • Responses to representations
  • Shifts in response paradigms

Proposal: 300-word anonymous abstract (600 words for panels) to be submitted through the Linguist List at 2011


This conference is the second in a series launched in 2006 with “Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads: Speech Frames and Cultural Perceptions” at the University of East Anglia, and the fourth in a sequence of related events including “Les enjeux de la communication interculturelle” in Montpellier (France, Université Paul Valéry) in 2007 and “Cross-culturally speaking, speaking cross-culturally” in Sydney (Australia) in 2009 (Macquarie University).

Like its 2006 forerunner, this second event will be interdisciplinary. It aims to bring together, under the umbrella of cross-cultural pragmatics, researchers from domains which are particularly sensitive to cross-cultural issues, to promote the cross-fertilization of ideas and theoretical approaches, and explore key concerns associated with communication across language and culture boundaries.

Research papers focusing on the little explored domain of audience reception will be particularly welcome.
The general framework for the conference will be provided by plenary papers delivered by distinguished scholars representing different languages and complementary perspectives: intercultural communication, cross-cultural pragmatics, discourse studies (including media discourse), translation studies (including screen translation and theatre adaptation), with application to English as a lingua franca, French, German, Spanish inter alia.

The conference will focus principally, but not exclusively, on European languages, still unevenly represented in cross-cultural pragmatics. It will, by virtue of its themes and of the inbuilt interdisciplinarity of cross-cultural pragmatics generally, be informed by different methodological paradigms (e.g. CA, interactional discourse analysis, discourse analysis, cross- and intercultural pragmatics, politeness theory, psycholinguistics). Proposals, for individual papers (20 minutes) or proposer-led panels on a particular theme (90 to 150 minutes), will be expected clearly to identify their theoretical frame(s) of reference and methodological approach.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 2010-11-15
Contact details: Marie-Noëlle Guillot (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Roger Baines (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Event website:

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