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Monday, 18 April 2011 17:23

Sixth Conference on Legal Translation, Court Interpreting and Comparative Legilinguistics

Date: 2011-06-30
Venue: The Institute of Linguistics at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Event theme(s): legal linguistics, forensic linguistics, translation, interpreting

Description: Sixth Conference on Legal Translation, Court Interpreting and Comparative Legilinguistics (Legal Linguistics)

The Institute of Linguistics at Adam Mickiewicz University will hold an international conference devoted to language and the law. Our aim is to provide a forum for discussion in those scientific fields where linguistic and legal interests converge, and to facilitate integration between linguists, computer scientists and lawyers from all around the world.
The conference will be held over 3 days, from 30th June to 2nd July 2011 in Poznan, Poland. We invite papers on the following topics:

(i) (comparative) forensic linguistics
(ii) forensic phonetics
(iii) forensic authorship attribution
(iv) forensic stylistic
(v) linguists as expert witnesses
(vi) linguistic features of forgeries and counterfeits of public documents

(i) legal translation;
(ii) court interpreting;
(iii) teaching legal translation and court interpreting
(iv) certified translators and interpreters in legal proceedings
(v) mistranslation and misinterpreting in legal context

(i) legal linguistics
(ii) history of legal language
(iii) legal terminology
(iv) legal genres
(v) EU legal language
(vi) analysis of legal discourse
(vii) structure and semantics of statutes and other legal instruments;
(viii) development of legal languages
(ix) legal and linguistic interpretation of texts formulated in legal language
(x) teaching legal language
(xi) speech style in the courtroom
(xii) comprehensibility of legal instruments
(xiii) Plain Language Campaigns
(xiv) linguistic aspects of cross-examination
(xv) technicality in legal language

(i) history of legal systems
(ii) comparative study of legal systems
(iii) common law versus civil law countries

(i) language rights
(ii) linguistic minorities and linguistic human rights
(iii) language and disadvantage before the law

Plenary speakers:
Prof. Dennis Kurzon from the Department of English Language and Literature, University of Haifa, Israel
Prof. Mami Hiraike Okawara from Graduate School of Regional Policy, Takasaki City University of Economics, Japan
Prof. Meizhen Liao from the Foreign Language School, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China

Prof. Age Lind from Norwegian School Of Economics And Business Administration, Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication, Norway
Session proposals and any questions should be submitted to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In order to register you should submit via e-mail the following data:

First Name/Imię:
University degree/tytuł lub stopień naukowy:
Address for Correspondence/adres korespondencyjny:
Institution/Instytucja wysyłająca:
Passport Number/numer paszportu:
Do you need an invitation letter/czy potrzebne jest zaproszenie:
Data for the invoice including tax identification number or equivalent/Dane do faktury wraz z numerem NIP:
Date of the money transfer/Data dokonania przelewu:
Other comments (e.g. vegetarian diet, etc.)/inne uwagi:
Presentation/referat: Yes/No Tak/Nie
Title of the presentation (if applicable)/Tytuł wystąpienia (dla prelegentów wygłaszających referat):
Abstract (of 100-200 words) /streszczenie referatu (100-200 słów)
The informative abstract (for research paper) should have the following structure (please leave the headings in your abstract):
Purpose of the research:
Scope of the research:
Methods used/Methodology/Approach/Design:
Research limitations/implications
Practical implications:
Recommendations (if applicable):
Key words:
The descriptive abstract should have the following structure (please leave the headings in your abstract):
Purpose of the research:
Scope of the research:
Methods used:
Recommendations (if applicable):
Key words:

Presentation slots should not exceed 30 minutes (20 minutes long presentation plus 10 minutes for questions). Power Point presentations are invited (Power Point MS Office 98-2003). Papers from the conference will be published after reviews.

Registrations should be submitted to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The abstracts should be sent by the end of February 2011.
Abstract acceptance notification: 15 March 2011.
Submission of full papers: 30 August 2011.

Conference fee:

Early payment by 20 March 2011: €150.
Payment from 21 March to 20 April 2011: €175.
Payment after 21 April or on arrival: €200.
The conference fee includes the cost of the conference gala dinner, 3 lunches, tea breaks and publication of papers after reviews.
We kindly request you to pay the fee into the following account:
Bank Account Details:
Adam Mickiewicz University
IBAN: PL 77 1090 1362 0000 0000 3601 7903
For: 711 802 your name and surname
Note: It is vital that you place on your money transfer the following number: 711 802.

No partial registration is envisaged, so it will not be possible to register for just one or two days.
We do not accept credit cards.
Cancellation policy:
In case of cancellations the conference fee is not refunded.
LANGUAGES: Polish, English, Spanish, Russian, German and French.

Institute of Linguistics
Al. Niepodległości 4, Poznań, POLAND
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organizational Committee (Laboratory of Legilinguistics):
Aleksandra Matulewska, PhD
Karolina Kaczmarek, PhD
Karolina Gortych, PhD
Joanna Grzybek, PhD
Swietlana Gaś, PhD
Joanna Nowak, MA
Jamila Oueslati, MA

Jerzy Bańczerowski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Feliks Zedler, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Aleksandra Matulewska, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Keynote Speakers:
Deadline for submission of proposals: 2011-02-28
Registration deadline:
Contact details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event website:

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