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Saturday, 04 February 2017 19:35

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS. Ibn Tibbon Translation Studies Doctoral and Teacher Training Summer School


We are pleased to announce the forthcoming Ibn Tibbon Translation Studies Doctoral and Teacher Training Summer School, which will be held from 26 June 2017 to 7 July 2017 at the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada (Spain).

Ibn Tibbon Translation Studies Doctoral and Teacher Training Summer School
is a joint initiative by 5 different universities (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Boğaziçi University, Turkey; University of Turku and University of Tampere, Finland; University of Granada, Spain) and focuses, in particular, on contemporary research into literary and non-literary works from a historical perspective, and on providing training for teachers at MA level.




Participation will be limited to a maximum of 20 individuals; particularly welcome are doctoral students in the early stages of their projects, teachers of translation at MA level or its equivalent and other academics, as well as professionals who are involved in research in translation and interpreting studies or in other doctoral fields where translation, interpreting or intercultural mediation is a focus of interest.




Basic activities at the Summer School:


a) Critical discussion of the most current approaches to translation theory, paying particular attention to contemporary research into literary and non-literary works from a historical perspective.


b) Presentation and critical discussion of different methodological approaches in TS, focusing in particular on researching the translation of literary and non-literary texts in historical TS from the perspective of historical and sociological studies, or through the use of ethnological approaches.


c) A series of lectures by the guest lecturer.


d) Teacher-training in the field of translator training, with a particular emphasis on curriculum and syllabus design, definition of objectives and learning outcomes, trainee and trainer profiles, ICT resources, classroom dynamics and assessment.


e) Tutorials for doctoral students and young researchers.


f) A graduate conference.


g) A possibility of publication in a peer-reviewed collective volume.




Teaching Staff:


Guest Lecturer:  Professor Emeritus Mona Baker, University of Manchester, UK


Dr Dorothy Kelly, University of Granada, Spain


Dr Kaisa Koskinen, University of Tampere, Finland


Dr Tamara Mikolič Južnič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Dr Outi Paloposki, Turku University, Finland


Dr Nike K. Pokorn, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Dr Sehnaz Tahir-Gürçağlar, Boğaziçi University, Turkey


Dr Catherine Way, University of Granada, Spain


María del Mar Haro Soler, University of Granada, Spain


Anne Ketola, University of Tampere, Finland




Publication: Participants shall be invited to submit an article to be refereed and published in a collective volume. (See previous publications at:


Application Deadline: 17 March 2017 (decisions notified by 17 April 2017).


Website: For the application procedure and more details of the school please visit the website at: or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Looking forward to seeing you in Granada next Summer,


The Organising Committee


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