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Friday, 27 October 2017 05:39

IATIS Call for volunteer English-into-Chinese translators

IATIS Call for volunteer English-into-Chinese translators

IATIS (the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies) is currently looking for Translation Studies scholars willing to undertake volunteer English-into-Chinese (繁體中文/complex characters) translations for translating the abstracts of its 6thinternational conference (Hong Kong, July 2018) in an innovative online environment.

To facilitate the coordination and the translation of hundreds of abstracts, IATIS has launched a partnership with TraduXio (a web-based platform of collaborative and multilingual translation). If you are a translation scholar or student and have English-into-Chinese (繁體中文/complex characters) translation skills and you would like to co-develop our nascent translation platform, please submit the following form here

The IATIS-TraduXio project – which at this stage aims to deliver a bilingual book of abstracts for the Hong Kong Conference (July 2018) – is divided into 2 phases:

1) A first phase for expert translators in which we aim to involve TS scholars with excellent translation skills
2) A second phase for translation studies advanced students who have been trained in translation practice and are familiarized with the scientific and academic metalanguage

This is because the involvement of experts allows us to build a memory of matches between source and target texts, which will then assist the advanced students as they are translating other abstracts.

The first team will be contacted in early November in order to schedule a TraduXio online training around mid-November (an hour should suffice). Translations will be undertaken throughout the two first weeks of December 2017. We are aiming for a group of around 20 people to translate 50 abstracts in total.

The second team will be contacted at the beginning of 2018. It should be a much larger group to translate around 300 abstracts.

All translators will be recognized for their work and their name will appear on the credits in the book of abstracts given to participants and online, as part of the translation team. This is a volunteer project, which means that there is no remuneration involved. We hope however that this will be an enriching experience, not only as regards translation of academic abstracts per se but most importantly as regards contributing to technological innovation for the benefit of the TS community. In fact, by working on the IATIS-TraduXio translation platform, you will be part of an online community and may be inspired to contribute to improving its design and functionalities. This is a small-scale project which will later on go multilingual (rather than bilingual). In the long-run, we hope to contribute to the decompartmentalization of knowledge in our discipline.

Ready for the adventure? If so, please fill in the form here.
Thank you and best regards,
The IATIS-TraduXio team

Read 1809 times Last modified on Friday, 10 November 2017 14:10

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