DOTTSS is the new acronym for an established series of doctoral translator training and translation studies summer schools. The 7th summer school in this joint inititative of five universities will be hosted by the University of Tampere in June 2018. This year's guest professor is Roberto A. Valdeón form the University of Oviedo, Spain.
It focuses, in particular, on contemporary research into translation from a sociological and historical perspective, and on providing training for teachers at MA level.
Since 2012, the summer school has hosted doctoral students of TS and teachers of translators and interpreters from all around the world. The 7th summer school will take place in Tampere, Finland.
The University of Tampere has a prominent translator and interpreter training programme and a strong tradition in translation research, particularly sociological approaches to translation.
The rise of dedicated MA and PhD programmes across Europe and globally indicate that there is a growing need to provide high-level doctoral training for PhD students, and that there is also a pressing need to continuously provide teacher training to the existing and future translation teachers in order to keep them up to date with the latest developments in the field.
We are now accepting applications. For more information, visit: