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Friday, 16 February 2018 12:46


'Understanding Migration: How can qualitative research methods help?'

University of East Anglia, Thursday 12 April 2018, 9:30am-4pm

Migration both shapes and challenges the world in which we live and as a field of research is of global importance. Qualitative research methods can be used to explore and debate diverse issues related to the migration experience and the representation of migrants but this presents not only opportunities but also methodological and ethical challenges.

We invite researchers to our annual UEA Qualitative Research Methods Symposium. The symposium will provide a supportive environment in which to consider critically the role of qualitative methodologies in migration research. Questions that we will explore include:

How can we use qualitative methodologies to advance our understanding of the lived experience of migrants?

How can qualitative research be used to investigate the multiple dimensions and scales of migration processes?

What are the ethical and representational challenges of undertaking research with diverse migrant communities?

What new challenges do emerging migration research agendas present to qualitative researchers?

The symposium will showcase examples of the use of qualitative research methods to study migration, both by the dynamic community of migration researchers at UEA and other research groups in the United Kingdom. The programme will include interactive presentations and participatory workshops, as well as time to share ideas and explore potential collaborations.

The event is free to UEA attendees, £30 to non-UEA attendees.


Keynote addresses:

Familiarity, the 'power' of friendship, and interviewing people you know
Maria Abranches, Lecturer in Social Anthropology, School of International Development, UEA

Many Rivers to Cross: hearing the voices of aged Polish veterans in Ilford Park Polish Care Home
Maria Pasiecznik Parsons, Chief Executive, Creative Dementia Arts Network

Full programme information to follow.


We invite you to submit a poster abstract to be presented at the UEA Qualitative Research Methods Symposium 2018. Posters should aim to answer the title question: ‘How can qualitative research methods help to understand migration research?’

The winning poster will receive a £50 gift voucher.

Abstracts must include a title, authors, and affiliations. Abstract body should be no more than 200 words (title and authors not included) and be structured to include the following four sections: objective, methods, what your methods have enable you to find out and conclusions.

Posters for presentation will be limited to a maximum of A1. We would like poster presenters to be present during breaks to discuss their work with interested attendees.

Please send your poster abstracts to Lisa McDaid by Friday 9 March 2018.


For further details and to book, please visit:

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