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Thursday, 04 October 2018 01:38

The 7th Asia Pacific Forum on Translation-and Intercultural Studies: Translation and Journalism

Call for Papers: The 7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies (APFTIS)

Date: 4 - 5 January 2019

Venue: SOAS, University of London, Senate House


SOAS, University of London (Centre for Translation Studies and SOAS Confucius Institute)

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

Tsinghua University, China

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Luc van Doorslaer (University of Tartu, Estonia; KU Leuven, Belgium)

Presentation title (tentative):‘The image-building power of translation in journalism’

Jeremy Munday (Leeds University)

Presentation title: TBC


PLENARY SPEAKER: Zaixi Tan (Shenzhen University)

Presentation title (tentative): `The cultural politics of media translation: The case of translating China-Korea relationship in the news before and after

Kim Jong-un’s visit to China'


[Conference Web]


Translation and journalism are closely integrated in the age of multi-media communication. It is widely acknowledged that translation cannot be viewed merely as a means of linguistic transference, for the social and political aspects of translation makes it a shaping force in the construction of a nation’s global image. Meanwhile, translation also plays a significant role in mediating cultural differences in global news exchange, and affects the homogeneity and diversity in news production. In the era of globalization, new media and interactive technologies have triggered an exponential increase in translation as a key mediator in cross-language communication as well as the international journalistic industry. Staying positive with this, the inherent interdisciplinary demand of translation studies and the defining characteristics of journalism to obtain original information make the interdisciplinary studies between translation and journalism a logical, appropriate and timing paradigm.

Due to their interdisciplinary and cross-cultural nature, journalism and translation studies can be mutually inspirational and have potential for shedding new lights on neighboring disciplines like cross–cultural studies, comparative literature, audio-visual and multi-modal translation studies and globalization studies.

Call for Papers: The 7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies (APFTIS)

Date: 4 - 5 January 2019

Venue: SOAS, University of London, Senate House


SOAS, University of London (Centre for Translation Studies and SOAS Confucius Institute)

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

Tsinghua University, China


Luc van Doorslaer (University of Tartu, Estonia; KU Leuven, Belgium)

Presentation title (tentative):‘The image-building power of translation in journalism’

Plenary speaker: Zaixi Tan (Shenzhen University)

Presentation title (tentative): 'The cultural politics of media translation: The case of translating China-Korea relationship in the news before and after

Kim Jong-un’s visit to China'

[Conference Web]


Translation and journalism are closely integrated in the age of multi-media communication. It is widely acknowledged that translation cannot be viewed merely as a means of linguistic transference, for the social and political aspects of translation makes it a shaping force in the construction of a nation’s global image. Meanwhile, translation also plays a significant role in mediating cultural differences in global news exchange, and affects the homogeneity and diversity in news production. In the era of globalization, new media and interactive technologies have triggered an exponential increase in translation as a key mediator in cross-language communication as well as the international journalistic industry. Staying positive with this, the inherent interdisciplinary demand of translation studies and the defining characteristics of journalism to obtain original information make the interdisciplinary studies between translation and journalism a logical, appropriate and timing paradigm.

Due to their interdisciplinary and cross-cultural nature, journalism and translation studies can be mutually inspirational and have potential for shedding new lights on neighboring disciplines like cross–cultural studies, comparative literature, audio-visual and multi-modal translation studies and globalization studies.

The goal of the conference is:

To provide scholars, educators and practitioners from the field of translation and journalism with opportunities to interact, network and benefit from each other’s research and expertise related to translation and journalism studies;To synthesize research perspectives and foster interdisciplinary scholarly dialogues for developing integrated approaches to complex problems of translation and journalism in global contexts;To advance modes of inquiry for translation and journalism research and disseminate practical findings to facilitate understanding among cultures;To foster global intercultural sensitivity and offer new insights on the interrelations between translation and world literature.


APTIS is soliciting submissions that reflect diverse theoretical perspectives and empirical research. Topics are broadly defined, but not limited to the following areas:

Translation and Journalism: an emerging disciplinary paradigmTranslation and intercultural studies in the era of new mediaJournalism and audio-visual translation studiesTranslation and the relocation of a cultureTranslation as a shaping force in constructing a nation’s imageThe map of translated literature(s): the political economy of translationInterpreter and Translator in Humanitarian crisesInterpreter and translator education: retrospect and prospectInterpreting quality assessment and the ethics of interpreterTranslation technology and corpus-based translation(interpreting) studiesTranslation and interpreting studies: interdisciplinary approaches

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