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Wednesday, 20 February 2019 12:22

International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture

International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture

1-6 July 2019

The terms audiovisual translation, media translation and translation technologies have acquired and continue to enjoy great visibility in the field of translation studies. This research school will foster an open and wide-ranging take on media translation and digital culture, and the significance of both for and beyond translation studies; encourage cross-fertilization between the disciplinary sub-fields designated by the above terms; and address the new theoretical and methodological tools that translation scholars need in order to understand the strategic and catalyzing role played by translation in relation to a number of issues, including the following:

  • Reconfiguring the ecology of networked media – from mainstream news organizations to citizen journalism outlets; from printed written articles to multimodal assemblages; from professional reportage to amateur coverage of conflicts and natural disasters;
  • (Re)producing shifting public discourses about cosmopolitanism, gender, nation, expertise, fandom or activism – among other core issues;
  • Developing more collaborative, participatory and deliberative processes of community formation, both online and on the ground;
  • Enabling disciplinary discourses and developments in the fields of multimodality, media sociology, cultural studies, journalism, globalization studies and critical theories of communication technology.

The International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture is aimed at an international audience and will primarily address the needs of doctoral and early career researchers in translation and interpreting studies, as well as more experienced academics who are new to the discipline or interested in engaging with recent developments in the field. It aims to contribute to realizing one of the priorities of the Jiao Tong Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, namely, advancing the study of translation in the context of digital (audiovisual) media and online spaces.

The School will take place in Jiao Tong University, Shanghai once every two years, starting in July 2019 and rotating thereafter with the ARTIS International Research School.

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