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Tuesday, 26 February 2019 09:39

Languages of Moscow

4 March 2019: 5-7pm: University of London, Senate House

Julia Mazurova, Marina Raskladkina: 'Linguistic diversity of Moscow'
Denis Zubalov: 'Ethno-linguistic groups in Moscow: the case of Georgians and Greeks'

The “Languages of Moscow” project investigates urban multilingualism from the perspectives of language function, education and language policy, among others. The main aims of the project are to study and explain linguistic diversity, the dynamics of language/culture contact, language shifts and identity construction strategies in the Russian capital.

The ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious diversity of Moscow – Europe’s largest city - is under-researched and in urgent need of investigation. It is fascinating to examine how global processes influence this multilingual urban space. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach to our investigation of language functions in Moscow and its metropolitan area, we examine language interactions within ethnic communities, including interaction and linguistic socialisation of immigrant children and their attempts to preserve identity within the state Russian-speaking school system.

This event is free to attend but places are limited. Please book online in advance:

Hosted by the Institute of Modern Languages Research and supported by the Open World Research Initiative: Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community - Translingual Strand.

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