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Wednesday, 03 April 2019 11:39

Emily Wilson on Translating The Odyssey (London, 17 April)

Emily Wilson

“Translating The Odyssey Again: Why and How?”

Wednesday 17 April, 7pm

British Library Conference Centre, London

Tickets (full price £12, senior £10, other concessions £8) from

This year’s Sebald Lecture on Literary Translation is given by classicist Emily Wilson, whose 2017 English translation of Homer’s Odyssey – the first by a woman – met with widespread critical acclaim.

Why translate The Odyssey into English yet again, when there have already been almost seventy translations into our language? Emily Wilson discusses her working process and goals with this project, from questions of verse form and metre, pacing, style, word choice to narrative perspective, focalisation and point of view. She outlines her vision of this complex, magical, moving and absorbing text about identity, hospitality and the meanings of home.

Emily Wilson is Professor of Classical Studies and Chair of the Program in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Pennsylvania. She grew up in Oxford and has a BA in Classics (Lit. Hum.) from Balliol College Oxford, an M. Phil. in English literature from Corpus Christi College Oxford, and a Ph.D. in Classics and Comparative Literature from Yale. Her books include a study of tragedy and “overliving”, a book on the death of Socrates and its various cultural receptions, and a literary biography of Seneca. Her verse translations include Six Tragedies of Seneca, four tragedies of Euripides, and a forthcoming translation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannos. To follow The Odyssey, she is working on a new translation of the Iliad.


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