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Friday, 26 April 2019 09:53

IATIS Training Workshop: Japanese translation workshop -- translating literature and culture

Nana Sato-Rossberg

--Now we opened registration!---
SOAS Centre for Translation Studies will be hosting the IATIS Training Workshop: A Japanese translation workshop -- translating literature and culture -- on 4 and 5 July 2019

Confirmed presenters and tutors are:

Hiromi Ito (Waseda University, translator, poet, author)

Anne Bayard-Sakai (INALCO, Paris)

Lucy North (Independent Literary Translator and Editor)

Caterina Mazza (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

Stephen Dodd (SOAS, University of London)

Nana Sato-Rossberg (SOAS, University of London)

Now we opened registration.
Please click here:

Registration fees:
Non-SOAS Students GBP 10
SOAS Staff and Students Free

More detailes:

Please note that we can accommodate only 35 participants. If you are sure that you can participate in this workshop, please register. It is recommended that you have some knowledge of Japanese.
We will close registration on 30 June 2019.

--Now we opened registration!---
SOAS Centre for Translation Studies will be hosting the IATIS Training Workshop: A Japanese translation workshop -- translating literature and culture -- on 4 and 5 July 2019

Confirmed presenters and tutors are:

Hiromi Ito (Waseda University, translator, poet, author)
Born in Tokyo in 1955, emerged in the late 1970s as a leading voice of Japanese poetry with a series of works that depicted women's psychology, sexuality, and motherhood in fresh and sensational ways. Since 1997, she has lived in California and published numerous books about migration, language, identity, family relations, and death. She is currently a visiting professor at Waseda University and divides her time between California, Tokyo, and Kumamoto.

Anne Bayard-Sakai (INALCO, Paris)
Born in Japan, Professor of Japanese Language and Literature at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales in Paris (French National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations), Anne Bayard-Sakai is also translator, and has published many translations (Kawabata Yasunari, Ôoka Shôhei, Enchi Fumiko, Ôe Kenzaburô, Horie Toshiyuki and others). She was awarded the 7th Konishi Foundation Translation Prize (2000) and the 17th Noma Literary Translation Prize (2009). She was a member of the editing team for the Œuvres of Tanizaki Jun.ichirô in the Pleiade series, and the editor of the Tanizaki Jun.ichirô volume in the Quarto series, both published by Gallimard. She is currently preparing a book concerning Japanese Literature after March 11.

Lucy North (Independent Literary Translator and Editor)
Lucy is a Japanese-to-English literary translator based in the southeast of England.
Lucy's fiction translations include Toddler-Hunting and Other Stories (New Directions, 1996; 2018), 10 stories by Taeko Kono, including the Akutagawa-prize winning "Crabs"; and Record of a Night Too Brief (Pushkin Press, 2017), a collection of 3 stories by Hiromi Kawakami, which includes the 1996 Akutagawa-prize-winning story "A Snake Stepped On". Todder Hunting was named by Kirkus as one of the Best Books of 2018. Record of a Night Too Brief was longlisted for the first Warwick Prize for Women in Translation in 2017.

Caterina Mazza (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Mazza is Assistant Professor at the Department of Asian and North African Studies of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, where she teaches and conducts research on contemporary Japanese literature. She received her PhD from Ca’ Foscari and Inalco (Paris) with a thesis on the parodic rewriting of modern literary canon in contemporary Japanese literature; she has also published a book on the same topic (Traduzione e parodia. Le riscritture contemporanee di Kawabata, Cafoscarina, 2012). Her research interests focus on the dynamics of canon formation and the translation of Japanese literature in the last thirty years.

Stephen Dodd (SOAS, University of London)
Dodd studied Chinese and Japanese at Keble College, Oxford (1980). He gained a PhD in Japanese Literature from Columbia University (1993). After teaching at Duke University (1993-94), he moved to SOAS, where he is Professor of Japanese Literature. He has written a wide range of articles on modern Japanese literature. He is also the author of Writing Home: Representations of the Native Place in Modern Japanese Literature (Harvard University Press, 2004), and The Youth of Things: Life and Death in the Age of Kajii Motojirô (Honolulu: Hawai’i University Press, 2014). His translation of Mishima Yukio’s Life for Sale (Inochi urimasu, 1968) is due out as a Penguin Classic in July 2019.

Nana Sato-Rossberg (SOAS, University of London)
Dr Sato-Rossberg, is Chair of the SOAS Centre for Translation Studies, Convener of MA Translation, and Executive Council Member of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Her expertise is in cultural translation, translation of orality, intergenic translation, and translation history. Her recent publications include: 'Translations in Oral Society and Cultures'. In: Harding, Sue-Ann and Carbonell Cortes, Ovidi, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture: Routledge (2018), '共振と呼応 (Resonance and Echo) – 1970 nendai nihon ni okeru Translation Studies no houga'. Misuzu, (11) 632 (2014), etc,. Her 2nd monograph will be publishing from Misuzu in early 2020.

Now we opened registration!
Please click here:

Registration fees:
Non-SOAS Students GBP 10
SOAS Staff and Students Free

More detailes:

Please note that we can accommodate only 35 participants. If you are sure that you can participate in this workshop, please register. It is recommended that you have some knowledge of Japanese.
We will close registration on 30 June 2019.

Read 1123 times Last modified on Friday, 26 April 2019 10:03

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