The social, cultural, and economic wealth and diversity of Asia nourishes the translation practices and translation studies. They have flourished from the translation of religious texts over two thousand years ago to the translation of literary and non-literary works at the present time. Various, if not all, text types have been translated and studied, both between Asian language pairs themselves and with an Asian language as the source or target text. The continent has thus never lacked for local translation practitioners and scholars who prosper in translation practices. In addition, Asian exoticism further draws professional translators and translation intellects from other continents who further foster translation activities within and beyond this specific continent.
To acknowledge and celebrate translation activities in Asia across spatial and temporal dimensions, the School of Humanities and Applied Arts, the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and the Department of English, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, is organising the 3rd International Conference on Translation Studies ICTS, "Translating Asia: Through Space and Time" on the 25th and 26th June 2020 at the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand.
The Conference aims to provide opportunities for experienced and young international researchers, translators, and educators to present, share, and exchange their views on the translation of Asian languages in a supportive academic environment and to publicise their research to an international audience.