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Wednesday, 29 January 2020 12:41

Methods in Language Sciences Summer School, Ghent University

Top quality research requires outstanding methodological skills. That is why the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication of Ghent University will jointly organize a Summer School on “Methods in Language Sciences” from 13 until 17 July 2020.

This Summer School is targeted at both junior and senior researchers and offers eight multi-day modules on various topics, ranging from quantitative to qualitative methods and covering NLP, eye-tracking and survey design as well as specific tools such as PRAAT and ELAN. All lecturers are internationally recognized experts with a strong research and teaching background.

Because the modules will partly be held in parallel sessions, participants have to choose one or two modules to follow (see the Programme for details). There is no prerequisite knowledge or experience, except for Module 2 (on Advanced statistical methods with R).

In addition, Jürgen Van De Walle of Cerence Inc. will give a keynote lecture on Wednesday, 15th July 2020 at 17:30 (topic to be announced). This will be followed by a social event in the historical center of Ghent city.

This is your opportunity to take your methodological skills for research in (applied) linguistics, translation or interpreting studies to the next level. We are looking forward to meeting you in Ghent!

For more information, click here

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