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Friday, 06 March 2020 08:06

Lydia Davis: Writing, Reading and Translation, 13-14 May, London

13 May 2020, 9.30am - 14 May 2020, 3.30pm

Conference / Symposium

Bloomsbury Room, G35, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Keynote speakers | Conférenciers invités
Emily Eells, University of Paris 10-Nanterre
Jonathan Evans, University of Portsmouth

13 May 2020

10:00 Registration
10:30 Welcome by Jean-Michel Gouvard (University of Bordeaux Montaigne)

10:45 Session 1: Lydia Davis and the French writers
Véronique Samson (University of Cambridge/Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Lydia Davis’s Flaubert
Ambra Celano (ILUM University)
Lydia Davis and Maurice Blanchot: L’arrêt de mort

12:30 Lunch (own arrangements)

14:00 Session 2: Keynote 1
Emily Eells (University of Paris 10-Nanterre)
The Way by Swann’s: In-between the lines of Lydia Davis’s Proust

15:30 Coffee break15:45 Session 3: Writing and Translation
Fredrik Rönnbäck (Sarah Lawrence College and University of California)
Excess and Restraint: Lydia Davis as Author and Translator
Anna Zumbahlen (poet, University of Denver)
Translating Sensitive Topics

17:00 Study day ends

14 May 2020

09:45 Registration

10:15 Session 4: Modernism and Modernity

Julie Tanner (Queen Mary, University of London)
The shape of feeling: Lydia Davis and the novel after postmodernism
Elena Gelasi (University of Cyprus)
Lydia Davis and postfeminism
Jean-Michel Gouvard (University of Bordeaux Montaigne)
“The Cows”: Writing and Visual arts


12:30 Lunch (own arrangements)

14:00 Session 5: Keynote 2
Jonathan Evans (University of Portsmouth)
Non-exhaustion in the work of Lydia Davis

15:30 Coffee break

15:45 Session 6: (Very)Short Stories
Claire Fabre-Clark (Université Paris-Est-Créteil)
Lydia Davis’s short stories: the (im)possibilities of fiction 
Ahlam Othman (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, BUE, Egypt)
Irony in the Microfiction of Lydia Davis’ Varieties of Disturbance (2007)

17:00 Study day ends


Kindly supported by the University of Bordeaux Montaigne and the University of London's Cassal Endowment Fund



Standard: £15 both days | £10 one day 

Students/unwaged: Free

For more information, click here

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