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Saturday, 10 September 2011 09:08

International Seminar on Translation and Universal Accessibility

Seminario Internacional sobre Traducción y Accesibilidad Universal (SITAU)

International Seminar on Translation and Universal Accessibility


14-15 December 2011

 University of Granada, Spain


Call for papers


The International Seminar on Translation and Universal Accessibility (SITAU) is organized by Tracce research group based at the Translation and Interpreting Department of the University of Granada, within the framework of the research project AMATRA (Accessibility to Audiovisual Media Through Translation). The Seminar will be held at the University of Granada on 14-15 December, 2011.


The main goal of this seminar is to promote research in the field of Universal Accessibility to Knowledge by bringing together researchers, professionals, enterprises, institutions and potential users. Moreover, it aims to foster the creation of innovative professional profiles for Andalusia at the University of Granada, with a view to export them to Europe.


SITAUL deals with two main topics:

  • 14 December: Accessibility to the media.
  • 15 December: Accessibility to museums and accessible tourism.

Each thematic block will be composed of a plenary conference, a round table and a series of papers on specific subjects.


Paper proposals

Papers are allotted 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion (30 minutes in total).


Abstracts proposals (in English, Spanish, German, Italian or French) of 250-350 words including bibliographical references and a bio-note of 150 words should be attached as a MS-Word document (authorname.doc) and sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15 October 2011. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 10 November 2011.


Conference details, including list of plenary speakers, will follow shortly at

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