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Monday, 23 January 2012 09:53

Representations of Discourse

Call for papers


The School of Language and Communication Studies at the University of East Anglia invites you to a one-day postgraduate conference, to be held at the University of East Anglia on Friday 8th June 2012. The theme of the conference is ‘representations of discourse’. This theme to be understood broadly and submissions relating to a wide variety of linguistic aspects of the theme are welcome.


Possible topics of presentations include:

  • all aspects of translation and interpreting
  • semantic or pragmatic approaches to reported discourse, including relevance-theoretic perspectives
  • discourse analysis and reported discourse, for example critical discourse analytical approaches to discourse representation
  •  representations of discourse across media, for example film and television

The plenary speakers will be Prof Andreas Musolff from the University of East Anglia and Dr Christopher Hart from the University of Northumbria. The conference will end with a roundtable discussion for delegates, in which the two plenary speakers and three non-academic professionals will participate and offer their diverse insights into issues which have been raised. For further details please visit

Abstracts of not more than 250 words for oral presentations (fifteen minutes in duration plus five minutes of questions) and posters are invited. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is Monday 12th March 2012. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed anonymously.


Guidelines for formatting your abstract

  • Abstracts should be no more than 250 words (excluding references). Text alignment: justified
  • Title text: Calibri, 12pt, bold, centred
  • Body text: Calibri, 12pt
  • Do not indent paragraphs, but leave one empty line between them.

Guidelines for submitting your abstract

  • You must send two copies of your abstract
  • Please indicate whether you wish to give an oral presentation or present a poster by putting "poster" or "oral presentation" in the header of both copies of your abstract.
  • One copy must not mention your name or affiliation, and should be saved as yourname_anon.doc or yourname_anon.docx (for example joebloggs_anon.docx).
  • The other copy must have your name and affiliation in the footer. It should be saved as yourname_named.doc or yourname_named.docx.
  • Attach your abstracts to an email.
  • The subject line of the email should be “abstract submission”.
  • Submissions should be sent to representations no later than Monday 12th March 2012. No late submissions will be accepted.
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