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Tuesday, 07 February 2012 14:56

Use your language, Use your English - Summer School

Use your language, Use your English

This AHRC-funded training project is for native Anglophones with one or more other language/s at an advanced level – research students and others – who wish to develop their translation and editing skills. All our courses, online and workshops, are delivered by leading professionals. For information, including FAQs, biographies of the tutors and organisers, and further details on each activity outlined below, see:

Here is information on four activities in 2012, three of which are new.

Use your language, Use your English Summer School 2012

Following the great success of last year's Summer School, we are delighted to announce the expanded Summer School 2012. This five-day event will take place at Birkbeck University of London (43 Gordon Square WC1H 0PD) on 9-13 July 2012. It comprises courses in translation into English from Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish – each language subject to a minimum group-size of five students – and an editing skills course for all. There will also be games, a competition, meet-the-publishers, and guest lectures and workshops.

Full fee: £400; student fee: £250. Bursaries available. Online booking will open on the website in February 2012.

Extracts from the feedback on last year's Summer School:

`Thank you so much for a brilliant course. It was wonderful to meet so many inspiring people, both staff & students alike. I felt really privileged to be working with "la crème de la crème" of the translation world.'

`It gave me confidence & showed me that translation as a career is a feasible option. It also illustrated the wide variety of options open to people with language skills.'

`I enjoyed everything! It was amazing being able to experience two tutors of translation with their differing styles; being able to prioritise the techniques in two different languages, plus attending all the fascinating talks. The "fun" bits were great too, ie the translation slam & game.'

NB The Summer School is running shortly before the Olympics. Russell Square & environs is a designated area for the press and media (see ). You are therefore strongly urged both to book on the course and to arrange your accommodation as early as possible. There are many hotels in the area, and these are currently taking summer bookings; a list of suggestions is on the website (see

However, both because of the Olympics & because last summer's feedback included some requests for group accommodation, we have block-booked 30 single rooms in Commonwealth Hall, one of London University's international student halls for the five nights 8-12 July inclusive, on a first-come-first-served basis. The rooms are fairly basic, ie bed, desk etc with no en-suite and you would share the bathroom & a basic pantry, but they include breakfast, and you can also get dinner in hall by booking on the day for £6 (see Further information on this accommodation can be obtained fromThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To obtain one of these rooms, make sure you tick the box on the online booking form and add £190 to your payment.

Use your language, Use your English online programme (free of charge)

This comprises seven courses in translation into English (from Arabic, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish) and one course in editing. To register, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Use your language, Use your English Exams

From February 2012, you will be able to take an examination in any of our languages/editing; fee £250. Booking for this too will be online via the website.

Use your language, Use your English Database [DATE]

From March 2012, if you have passed our exam, you will be able to enter yourself on our Database for Academic Translators & Editors [DATE] which will be searched by anyone looking for an excellent Anglophone translator/editor.

Use your language, Use your English  webpage:

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