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Saturday, 01 September 2012 10:57

Seminar: Exploiting Emerging Technologies to Prepare Interpreters and their Clients for Professional Practice

Exploiting Emerging Technologies to Prepare Interpreters and their Clients for Professional Practice
Research Seminar
London, 23 November 2012
This seminar, organised by the EU project IVY – ‘Interpreting in Virtual Reality’ (co-ordinated by the Centre for Translation Studies, University of Surrey, 2011-12), seeks to discover the capabilities of emerging technologies and the role they can play in preparing interpreters and their clients for professional practice. It will disseminate the findings of the IVY project, which has used the innovative features of an avatar-based 3D virtual environment, Second Life, to simulate professional practice in business and public service interpreting, along with the findings from other initiatives relating to the use of ICT in the training of interpreters and their clients.
Who should attend:
The symposium will provide a forum for discussion and will bring together:
  • Researchers and developers with an interest in applying ICT to education and training in the field of interpreting
  • Scholars interested in interpreting pedagogy
  • Representatives of educational and training institutions
  • Interpreter trainers and those who train interpreter clients
  • Interpreting service users and providers

The rise of migration and multilingualism in Europe requires professional interpreters in business, legal, medical and many other settings. Future interpreters therefore need to master an ever broadening range of interpreting skills. This is difficult to achieve with traditional teaching methods and in times of reduced teaching contact hours. Also, in many emerging interpreting scenarios, a client-side understanding of how to work with an interpreter is crucial, but efforts to educate clients are scarce and normally separate from interpreter education.
ICT-based solutions have been employed in interpreter training to make teaching resources such as audio or video clips available and easily reusable. As a more advanced solution, virtual learning environments, i.e. remote or online learning and teaching facilities, have been developed to overcome problems of trainer availability and to offer more flexibility for learners. The effective integration of such solutions into everyday learning and teaching is still a point of contention, but at the same time, a new generation of ICT-based tools and platforms (e.g. Web 2.0, social software and 3D virtual environments), with the potential to provide more dynamic and comprehen­sive support for learning and teaching, is rapidly growing in popularity.
These solutions enable users - including learners from different contexts such as interpreting students and their potential clients (e.g. law students) - to meet and interact in virtual educational spaces, thus fostering experiential and autonomous learning, and different forms of learner collaboration. Equally important, given the increasing use of different forms of ICT-based and ‘remote’ interpreting, the use of emerging technologies in training contexts will also help interpreting students and their clients acquire digital competence and prepare them for an important aspect of future professional practice.
Franz Pöchhacker - University of Vienna, Austria
Annalisa Sandrelli - LUSPIO University, Italy
Claude Durand and Fernando Leitao - EC DG Interpreting
Brooke Townsley - Middlesex University, UK
Members of the IVY project consortium
Sabine Braun, Catherine Slater, Nick Botfield
Centre for Translation Studies
School of English and Languages
University of Surrey
Guildford GU2 7XH, UK
Contact for registration:
To find out more about registering for the seminar, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., stating your title, name, institutional affiliation, postal address and email address. The organisers will then contact you with further registration information.
This seminar has been organised with financial support from the European Commission. The seminar and its related materials reflect the views only of the participants, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of their content.

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