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Tuesday, 11 September 2012 20:20

Panel on Corpus-based translation studies

7th EST CONGRESS, 29 to the 31 August 2013, University of Mainz in Germersheim, Germany

Panel organizers: Claudio Fantinuoli and Federico Zanettin

While corpus-based research critically depends on the availability of suitable tools and resources, there is still a lack of user-friendly tools allowing researchers in the soft sciences to create and analyze corpora according to the standards of the discipline. This panel aims to provide a framework for discussing corpus data, tools and approaches which may allow translation scholars to collaborate among them and with the NLP community, in order to improve the quality of resources and make them available and accessible, with the ultimate goal of bridging the gap between the hard and soft sides of this multi-faceted field.


Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics are welcome:

  • NLP-oriented perspectives and methods for T&I research
  • Corpus-based methodologies and T&I studies
  • Annotation models for descriptive translation studies
  • Translation and corpus design
  • Qualitative and quantitative approaches to corpus analysis in T&I studies
  • Corpus-based translation studies and minority languages
  • Accessibility issues: copyright and data distribution
  • Corpus compilation tools for T&I studies
  • Metadata for descriptive translation research
  • Methods and techniques for data collection
  • Corpus-based analysis of translation shifts
  • Parallel corpora in T&I studies
  • Alignment of parallel corpora
  • Usability of software for corpus building and analysis
  • Spoken corpora and alignment of transcriptions and audio/video recordings

Researchers are invited to submit their paper proposals until 1 November 2012 using the Congress Web service. More information about the congress, panels and venue are available at:

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