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Sunday, 11 November 2012 19:54

Linguistics and Translation Theory: Stakes in a complex relationship

Call for proposals


Linguistics and Translation Theory: Stakes in a complex relationship

18-19 October 2013 in Nancy, FRANCE

The relationship between linguistics and translation theory, whose problematic character was shown by G. Mounin in the days of structuralism, remains to this day a major epistemological issue. Whether this relationship is viewed as an association of disciplines in which one contributes its conceptual tools or its justification to the other (see M. Ballard & A. El Kaladi)[1] or as a process leading from one to the other (see T. Milliaressi, ed.)[2], there is still room for debate on most aspects. Indeed, the evolution of research under the growing influence of technical tools for the study of linguistic phenomena makes this debate all the more crucial today.

Though linguistics and translation theory are two distinct, autonomous disciplines, they are nevertheless clearly intrinsically connected. Whether one likes it or not, translation is a process that inevitably deals with language, and this process concerns linguists in several respects:

as an “apparatus for linguistic research purposes”[3] establishing the field of contrastive studies, as an utterance modality establishing translation relative to both the act of “uttering” and the “uttered”, as well as to a particular utterance situation, or as a praxis reaching beyond natural languages to question the faculty of language (“language as a praxis is not bound to natural languages, which probably determine it in their diversity, but do not limit it.”)[4].



Whatever the basis of their theoretical approach (corpus linguistics, literature, philosophy, stylistics, etc.), the translation specialist can hardly ignore linguistics and its contributions, which are (all too) often regarded as restrictive in the broad intercultural field of translation.

These are, then, the theoretical and epistemological implications of a sometimes conflicting, sometimes felicitous relationship that this conference proposes to probe and to renew.

Among other issues, the conference encourages examination of:

the respective delimitations of contrastive linguistics and translation theory as disciplinary fields,

the affinities and overlappings of discourses in translation theory and linguistics; discourses on both linguistics and translation may also be examined and analyzed.



Proposal format:

Abstracts (1 page minimum, 2 pages maximum, Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 spacing) should be sent as attached documents (.doc(x) or .rtf) without the name of the author(s). They should contain:

the title of the proposal,

the abstract (main examples, general conclusions, theoretical frame and concepts, information on the corpus),

3 to 5 references.

A second document bearing the name(s), institution(s) and contact details of the author(s), professional and personal addresses, personal and/or professional phone number(s), email address(es), as well as the title of the proposal.

The proposals must be sent by 20 January, 2013 to:

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The proposals will be assessed according to the following criteria:

importance and originality of the paper,

empirical grounding of the research,

precision of the scientific content,

structure and clarity of the argument.

Presentations will last 30 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for questions. The conference languages are French and English.

The scientific committee will select contributed papers for publication.  

Important dates:

Deadline for submission of proposals: 20 January, 2013

Notification of acceptance: 15 March, 2013

Conference: 18-19 October, 2013 – Université de Lorraine (Nancy)

Organising committee:

Catherine Delesse (Université de Lorraine-Nancy)

Yvon Keromnes (Université de Lorraine-Metz)

Catherine Chauvin (Université de Lorraine-Nancy)

Alex Boulton (Université de Lorraine-Nancy)

Anissa Dahak (Université de Lorraine-Nancy)

Marc Deneire (Université de Lorraine-Nancy)

Isabelle Gaudy-Campbell (Université de Lorraine-Metz)

Scientific committee:

Kate Beeching (University of the West of England, Bristol)

Maryvonne Boisseau (Université de Strasbourg, LilPa EA 1339)

Alex Boulton (Université de Lorraine/CNRS, ATILF UMR 7118)

Françoise Canon-Roger (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, CIRLEP EA 4299)

Agnès Celle (Université Paris Diderot, CLILLAC-ARP EA 3967)

Catherine Chauvin (Université de Lorraine, IDEA EA 2338)

Hélène Chuquet (Université de Poitiers, FORELL EA 3816)

Catherine Delesse (Université de Lorraine, IDEA EA 2338)

Isabelle Gaudy-Campbell (Université de Lorraine, IDEA EA 2338)

Lance Hewson (Faculté de traduction et d’interprétation, Université de Genève)

Yvon Keromnes (Université de Lorraine/CNRS, ATILF UMR 7118)

Natalie Kübler (Université Paris Diderot, CLILLAC-ARP EA 3967)

Kirsten Malmkjær (The University of Leicester, Research Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies)

Tatiana Milliaressi (Université Charles de Gaulle Lille 3/CNRS, UMR 8163 STL)

Bertrand Richet (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, PRISMES EA 4398)

Myriam Salama-Carr (University of Salford)

Åke Viberg (Uppsala Universitet)




[1] Ballard, Michel & El Kaladi, Ahmed (eds), Traductologie, linguistique et traduction, Arras, APU, 2000.

[2] Milliaressi, Tatiana (ed.), De la linguistique à la traductologie, Lille, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2011.

[3] Ladmiral, Jean-René, « Sur le discours méta-traductif de la traductologie », in Meta 55, n°1, mars 2010, 4-14, p.6.

[4] De Vogüé, Sarah, 2005, « Invariance culiolienne » in Ducard, D. et C. Normand, Antoine Culioli, un homme dans le langage, Paris, Ophrys, 2006, 302-331, p.308.



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