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Saturday, 17 November 2012 22:52

Reading the Target: Translation as Translation


University of East Anglia

School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing

School of Language and Communication Studies


23rd and 24th March 2013


The fifth Postgraduate Translation Symposium at the University of East Anglia aims to examine translation as a form of literature in its own right: since Lawrence Venuti’s influential work on the translator’s visibility (1995), much progress has been made in the academic study of translation in this regard, but many critics and publishers remain reluctant to acknowledge the translator’s involvement in the creation of a new text or the status of these texts as anything more than a duplicate in another language.     

The symposium aims to explore the following questions: what are the effects of cultural contexts, literary systems and philosophical and ideological cues on the appreciation of translated literature? What are the power structures and hierarchies that translated literature must negotiate in order to achieve acceptance? What are the benefits to a culture that acknowledges the presence of translations within its literary canon?


We invite submissions for presentations by postgraduate research students and academics across a wide range of disciplines. Fields of particular interest include, but are not limited to, the following:


- Performance and adaptations

- Cross-genre translation

- The diversity of overt forms of translation

- Concepts of authorship in translation

- The translation of poetry

- The role of translation in religious texts

- Pseudo-translation

- Ethical and political considerations in translation

- The visibility of translation in modern forms of text and media (Subtitling, Films, Games)


Please send proposals of no more than 250 words (with bibliographical references and a short biographical note) for 20-minute papers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 7 December 2012.


Please address all correspondence to:


Lina Fisher

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University of East Anglia

School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing




The Organising Committee: Nozomi Abe, Moira Eagling, Lina Fisher, James Hadley

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