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Friday, 28 December 2012 17:59

The Second Hermeneutics and Translation Studies Conference

“New Areas of Research in Translational Hermeneutics”

11-12 July 2013, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany


With speakers from various European countries, USA, and China, the first Hermeneutics and Translation Studies Conference, held on the 26th and 27th of May, 2011, was a ground breaking event. The papers presented covered a wide range of topics including literary and specialized translation, the place of individual knowledge and experience in translational hermeneutics, the role of hermeneutics in the Muslim tradition of exegetics and translation, the question concerning the possibility of an hermeneutical method, the role of any given “pre-understanding” of history and/or culture in the process of interpreting and translating, etc. In particular questions concerning the proper place and definition of “subjectivity”, “phenomenology” and “method” in translational hermeneutics emerged as the primary points of contention.

In order to underline the relevance of Translational Hermeneutics for contemporary Translation Studies and to foster a cohesive discussion on the direction Translational Hermeneutics might take in the 21st century, the theme of the 2013 conference is set to be “new areas of research in Translational Hermeneutics.” In the course of two days, the 11th and 12th of July 2013, we wish to discuss new areas of and new approaches to research within the field of hermeneutics and phenomenology that seem to be of relevance to Translation Studies.

Due to the omnipresence of multimedia in most forms of public communication, we have asked Prof. Bernt Schnettler to deliver the keynote speech this year. In his paper entitled “Hermeneutics, Sociology of Knowledge and Genre Analysis” Prof. Schnettler will introduce us to his work in which he uses hermeneutical methods to analyze how (con)textual meaning is constituted in communicative acts that employ multimedia.

Apart from Prof. Schnettler, the following four distinguished scholars will be speaking as well:

  • Sieglinde Pommer on “Law and Translation: A Hermeneutics of the Legal Text”
  • Radegundis Stolze on the “Dimensionen der Subjektivität beim Übersetzen”
  • Holger Siever on “Die Rolle der Hermeneutik in der Entstehung der Übersetzungswissenschaft”
  • George Heffernan on “Understanding Husserl's Language of Essences: Hermeneutical Remarks on Translation in Phenomenology”

Suggested Topics

We are inviting papers on new research areas relevant to Translational Hermeneutics. The topics include – but are not limited – to the following:

  • The Translation of Multimedial Texts
  • Sociology of Knowledge (Wissenssoziologie)
  • Dealing with the Interpretive Horizons of Legal and Economic Texts when Translating
  • The Hermeneutics of Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting
  • Subtitling and Wholistic Understanding
  • Subjectivity und Objectivity in Specialized Communication
  • The Place of an Hermeneutical Approach to Translation in the Age of Digital Media and Machine Translation
  • Translational Hermeneutics and Cognitive Science
  • Translational Hermeneutics and Rhetoric
  • Translational Hermeneutics and Semiotics
  • Translational Hermeneutics and Theater

Paper and Panel Proposals

Abstracts for papers should be sent electronically as an attached file (MS Word format) to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Abstracts for panel proposals should be submitted by the moderator as a single abstract of 300-500 words with a list of panellists (names and affiliations). Panels should deal with a clearly defined topic and consist of a 90-minute debate. These abstracts should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
All submissions should include a short author profile.

Symposium Languages

Languages will be English and German. Please submit your abstracts in the language the paper or panel discussion will be held.


The deadline for submission of abstracts and panel proposals is 22th of February, 2013.
The scientific committee will inform potential contributors of its decision around March 15, 2013.


A selection of contributions will be published as a volume of proceedings.


For further information, see

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