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Friday, 22 February 2013 12:51

Methodological Challenges for Contemporary Translator Educators

International Conference hosted by

The Chair for Translator Education, Pedagogical University of Krakow

in collaboration with

UNESCO Chair for Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication, Jagiellonian University

Krakow, 10-11 October 2013

We invite papers from scholars working in the area of translator education, methodology of translator training, the use of computers in translator skills instruction, translator and interpreting training online and other translation-related disciplines who wish to present their research on translator education. We encourage submissions presenting the state-of-the-art research on the subject both in Poland and worldwide.
Particular focus is put on the empirical component hence workshop proposals are welcome beside regular conference papers.

The conference themes include, but are not restricted to the following:

Competencies of professional translator trainers

  • How to conceptualize the profile of professional translator trainers and their competencies?

  • Given the demand for professional training, which role of the trainers should be foregrounded, the one of professional translators or professional teachers? Can the two roles be reconciled and how?



  • How much specialization is required and possible with reference to such relevant areas of activity as translation itself (domain specialization), technological competence (e.g. CAT tools), and research (usually required of translator trainers in the academic context where most of the training takes place)?

  • What are specific demands of teaching

  • AVT,

  • translation of legal texts,

  • translation of medical texts,

  • other translation of other specialised types of texts,

  • community interpreting,

  • conference interpreting.



Teaching curricula and courses

  • Curricula in response to market demands;

  • Course content;

  • The beginner versus the professional level in the training process, pedagogical progression;

  • Modes of specialization (by types of translation, by translation problems);

  • The problem of directionality in teaching;

  • Translation assessment;

  • Planning formative assessment in the classroom, designing assessment activities, implementation;

  • Combining professional and pedagogical assessment;

  • Evaluation of curricula and courses.



Methodologies for translator educators

  • Socio-constructivism

  • Action Research

  • Cognitive framework

  • Hermeneutic approaches

  • Functionalist methodologies

  • Classroom procedures vs. e-learning.



Between professional realism and dehumanization of translator training

In many teaching contexts professional realism in translator training can be considered an uncontroversial premise. Yet questions arise how to reconcile market demands (whatever these should be given market fragmentation and dynamics) with their focus on efficiency and profit generation with traditional academic values such as critical thinking and freedom of thought. Is the role of translator training to serve the needs of translation industry? How to reconcile the call for "translator empowerment" with dehumanizing tendencies that reduce translators to “human input” in the mechanized process of translation production?

An interesting and current issue of professionalization of translator education is highlighted with topics like transferable skills training, student internships, transfer of knowledge between university and worklplace, and self-training.

Keynote speakers
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Tabakowska (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
prof. Dorothy Kelly (University of Granada, Spain)
prof. Don Kiraly (University of Mainz, Germany)

Conference languages:
English and Polish
Time of presentations:
20 min
Time of workshops:
60 min

Important dates
Paper/workshop proposal submission: 10 May 2013
Paper/workshop acceptance notification: 10 June 2013
Early-bird registration deadline: 20 July 2013
Registration deadline: 10 September 2013

Please submit your abstract or workshop proposal by email to:
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as an attachment (preferably in MSWord or pdf).
Abstracts should be between 250 and 300 words in length, excluding title and references.

In the subject field of the e-mail, enter ‘MCCTE Abstract’. Abstracts will be reviewed and replies will be sent by the end of May.
In the body of the e-mail, include the following information: 
1. Title of the paper 
2. Name(s) of presenter(s) 
3. Department and affiliation 
4. Position 
5. Email address 
6. Postal address and phone number 

Conference fee
Early-bird registration: PLN 350 or €100 (PLN 250 or €60 for PhD students)
Registration: PLN 450 or €120 (PLN 300 or €70 for PhD students)
At conference desk: PLN 500 or €150 (PLN 350 or €100 for PhD students)

The conference fee covers conference materials, coffee at conference breaks, conference dinner on 10 October 2013.

The organisers intend to publish the outcome of the Conference as a monograph volume devoted to the methodological issues in translator education.

Organising Committee
prof. UP dr hab. Maria Piotrowska
dr Ewelina Kwiatek
dr Sergiy Tyupa
dr Anna Ścibior-Gajewska
mgr Krzysztof Łoboda

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