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Sunday, 12 May 2013 18:09

Language and Diversity Discourse

The University of Naples L’Orientale, Italy, invites researchers and scholars to submit 
proposals for individual papers on the following theme: Language and Diversity
Researchers and scholars are invited to submit original contributions exploring the thorny 
issue of Language and Diversity focusing on the discourses that emerge as bearers of the 
values of ‘alterity’.
Following the debates on the several modes in which identity is construed through 
language, the Conference will prompt a reflection on the relationship between language 
and ethnic and cultural identity (drawing on ongoing research, for instance, on buzz-words
and expressions such as ‘colored’, ‘Negro’, ‘black’, ‘Afro-American’, 'African American’); on 
the relationship between language and gender and/or sexual identity (drawing on studies 
on the stereotypes conveyed by the use of terms like ‘fag’, ‘queen’, ‘queer’, ‘dyke’, ‘butch’ 
and all attempts at linguistic sanitization); and, on any form of language diversification 
arising from contamination/hybridization/migration of genre(s), discourse(s) and texttypologies (such as changing forms and formats between spoken and written English, 
specialized discourse vs. popularized discourse, and so forth).
We invite submissions for abstracts for 20-minute presentations in any field related to the 
following macro-areas and methodological approaches that are to be understood as a 
general guideline and can be further extended:
- Critical Discourse Analysis
- Linguistic and cultural mediation
- Translation perspectives
- EFL, ESL, ELF, ESP and Corpus Linguistics
- Language crossing, switching, and mixing
- Language variation and language change
- Multimodal, digital and audio-visual discourse(s)
- Contrastive Pragmatics
Conference description: 10-12 October 2013, University of Naples L’Orientale (Italy).
Plenary speakers will be announced soon.
Call deadline: abstracts (250-350 words) should be submitted by 30 June 2013
Notification of acceptance by 30 July 2013.
After a review process, notification of abstract review decision together with oral/poster 
presentation guidelines and Conference details will be emailed within two weeks of 
The Conference will be followed by publication, so a call will be sent out for submission of 
papers and final versions of contributions should be handed in by December 2013.
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