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Friday, 31 May 2013 09:21

Collaborative Translations: Old Challenges and New Scenarios

UHA Mulhouse (France)
December 4-6, 2013

19th Meeting of the European Network
« La Traduction comme moyen de communication interculturelle » (Translation as a means of intercultural communication)
University of Lille 3, Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Wrocław University, UHA Mulhouse

ILLE (EA 4363), Institut de recherche en langues et littératures européennes, UHA Mulhouse:

Conference convenors:
Peter Schnyder (peter.schnyder AT
Enrico Monti (enrico.monti AT

Conference venue:
Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse
2, rue des Frères Lumière, F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, FRANCE

Conference languages:
French and English

Conference rationale:
Translators, reviewers, publishers, translation agencies, editors, literary agents, and authors are just some of the agents involved in the translation process, and yet their work is often hidden between the lines of the translated texts. This international conference aims at exploring the complexities of this chain of production, focusing especially on the interaction and collaboration between these different agents. The conference is open to both literary and specialized translation, and aims at bringing together translation scholars, as well as translation professionals, linguists, publishers, literary scholars and book historians,. Young researchers and PhD students are particularly encouraged to participate.
A volume of selected papers delivered at this conference is due to be published in 2015.

Papers may address any of the following strands:

  • Collaborative translation: Ever since the Septuagint, collaborative translation has marked our history in different ways;
  • Collaboration between several translators, in order to ensure higher quality standards, or for time constraints, as is the case of instant books and of specialized translation;
  • Collaboration between authors and translators, as in the case of Albanian novelist Ismail Kadaré and his French translator Jusuf Vrioni; or again, albeit a different level, the meetings that Günter Grass arranges with his translators at each new novel he publishes;
  • (Hidden) collaboration between writers-translators and professional translators;
  • Collaboration in crowdsourcing translations;
  • Are such collaborations fruitful? What are the pros and cons of such collaborative practices? Can new crowdsourcing technologies create effective new forms of collaboration?
  • Translation revision: we encourage process-oriented approaches to translation revision, focusing on the exchanges between translators and revisers. Research on manuscripts, on publishers' and translation agencies' archives are particularly encouraged.
  • The role of editors, literary agents, publishers: we encourage sociological approaches to the role of these agents in the choice of texts to be translated and in the way they are translated, focussing particularly on their relationships/exchanges with translators.

Abstract submission:
Please send a 200-word abstract, together with an 80-word biographical notice, to the organizers:
•       enrico.monti AT
•       peter.schnyder AT
indicating « Plural Translations » as a Subject of your mail.

Deadline for submission: June 21, 2013.
You will be notified acceptance of your proposal by July 15th.

Conference fees:
Early-bird fee (by October 1, 2013): 100 euros (50 euros for PhD students)
Regular fee (after October 1, 2013): 150 euros (75 euros for PhD students)

The fees will cover conference materials and all conference meals (lunch, dinners and coffee breaks).

For more information: Enrico Monti (enrico.monti AT

Scientific Committee: Jerzy Brzozowski (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) ; Maryla Laurent (University of Lille 3) ; Elżbieta Skibińska (University of Wrocław) ; Peter Schnyder (University of Haute-Alsace) et Enrico Monti (University of Haute-Alsace).

UHA Coordination Committee: Felipe Aparicio, Tania Collani, Michel Faure, Jean-Robert Gérard-Challiot, Greta Komur-Thilloy.

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