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Sunday, 02 June 2013 10:54

Translating music

Translating music project - the opening seminar "Mapping Music" on 26 June

The opening seminar of the ‘Translating Music’ project, 'Mapping Music', will take place on June 26 from 5.45 pm at Europe House, Smith Square, London SW1. It will include talks by Judi Palmer (Royal Opera House) (Surtitling Today), Mark Harrison (MTV) (making Music accessible) , Raffaella Vota (Tag Worlwide) (Song Localisation in advertising) and members of Deluxe Media (Subtitling Film music)


All welcome but participants must register. For information and registration, see (Future events tab). 


‘Translating Music’is an AHRC-funded international network project led by Lucile Desblache (project coordinator), Helen Julia Minors(Kingston University) and Elena Di Giovanni (University of Macerata,Italy) which aims to contribute to new developments in the translation of musical texts.

Exploring the interpersonal, intercultural, intralinguistic and interlinguistic bridges on which music and translation intersect, it examines how words linked to music are currently translated and what is needed to improve the provision of such translation, within, but also beyond lyrics.



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