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Tuesday, 02 July 2013 09:35

Translation Forum Russia 2013

The Organizing Committee of Translation Forum Russia 2013 is happy to announce the call for papers and participants for the groundbreaking launch of the Russian Conference on Audiovisual Translation.

This is the first event for audiovisual translators and media specialists in Russia ever. The subject of the conference will be “Teaching Audiovisual Translation: Problems and Issues”.


-          Teaching translation for subtitling

-          Teaching translation for kids’ programming

-          Teaching translation for lip sync

-          Problems of teaching AVT as a part of continued education courses

-          Strategies of AV translation

-          Influence of social medias on AV translation

-          Other topics related to practical AV teaching experiences

You may find it surprising but Russia has an excellent track record of teaching translation professionals, but not a single linguistic educational institution offers any specialized bachelor, master or continued education courses in audiovisual translation. Thus a pool of related issues and new contacts to make might be really huge as well as the impact of papers and reports at the Conference.

Submission Guidelines

The Russian Conference on Audiovisual Translation seeks original unpublished papers (in English or Russian) on various aspects of teaching audiovisual translation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to those listed above.

Papers may report on research, on commercial audiovisual teaching developments as well as  issues of practical value for AV interpreters. Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of a maximum of 750 words of the paper they would like to present, together with a short 200-word abstract and short biography. While the extended abstract is limited to 750 words (longer papers will NOT be considered), it should provide sufficient information to allow evaluation of the submission by the committee.

Abstracts must be submitted to the following e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their submissions by August 20, 2013.Authors whose submissions are accepted for oral presentation will subsequently have the option to submit a full paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings, which will be produced on CD for conference delegates.

Speakers' final presentations must be submitted by September 20, 2013, in order to be included in the conference proceedings.

Information about the conference

Translation Forum Russia – 2013, the main and the largest event of translation, interpretation and localization industry in Russia, will be held in pre-Olympic Sochi at the Rosa Khutor ski resort  on October 4-6.

For more information about the conference go to:

For registration you may wish to check

For more information about the location and hotels check and

Please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any queries, and to disseminate the information about Translation Forum Russia amongst colleagues who might be interested in attending it this October 2013 in Sochi!

Very best regards,

Alexey Kozoulyaev
RUfilms LLC

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