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Friday, 16 August 2013 14:41

International Conference on Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation

The Department of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Alicante seeks to bring together translation practitioners, researchers, teachers and other people interested in economic, commercial, financial and institutional translation.

29-30 and provisionally 31 May, 2014
University of Alicante, Spain

In the age of the information society, the global economy focuses not only on production and distribution processes, but also on information and communication. Furthermore, it has taken a special interest in these processes in a context in which Information Technologies (IT) are being developed at great speed as one of the driving forces behind the economy in a globalized world. Against this background, translation plays an important role in these processes. The practice of economic, business, financial and institutional translation increases each day: institutions and agencies operate in more than one language; multinationals produce documents in different languages to expand their services all around the world; and large enterprises and SMEs also have to adopt a multilingual approach when accessing new markets in new countries.
Many translation and interpreting training centers, including the University of Alicante, are aware of the need for training in this area. This can be seen in their curricula, which include subjects such as specialized translation and economic or institutional translation. Trainers and researchers also seem to be more interested in knowing and researching the ins and outs of this type of translation: they study its relationship to terminology, new technologies, teaching, contrastive analysis and translation orders, etc. In this context, the Department of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Alicante seeks to bring together translation practitioners, researchers, teachers and other people interested in economic, commercial, financial and institutional translation in order to:
- Discuss new research trends in the field of economic, commercial, financial and institutional translation
- Discuss the study of translation assignments, resources, textual genres, IT and their relationship to economics and business
- Gain first-hand knowledge about business translation from professionals
- Reflect on the gap between the professional and academic worlds

The organizing committee of the conference invites scholars, researchers and professionals to submit proposals for papers and posters (abstracts) on any specialty (accounting, finance, marketing, logistics, transportation, advertising, sales, insurance, macroeconomics, macrofinance, monetary policy, tourism, corporate governance, management, real estate or corporate website, etc.) in any of the following areas:
- Terminology problems and translation practice
- Creation of terminology resources
- Genres, text taxonomies and contrastive analysis
- Professional experiences
- IT and the use of translation resources
- Translation training

The organizing committee is pleased to welcome the following plenary speaker who has already confirmed her participation: Jeanne Dancette, Université de Montréal (Canada). The conference will also feature two other keynote speakers representing international organizations and the professional world.

Abstract Submission: September 15, 2013
Authors Notification: November 15, 2013
Registration opens: January 1, 2014
Early bird registration deadline: February 28, 2014
Author registration deadline: March 30, 2013
Conference: 29, 30 and provisionally 31 May, 2014

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics listed above. Papers should be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system at: Proposals (abstracts) must be submitted in English and, if it is the case, one of the other conference languages (maximum of 300 words each). A maximum of two proposals may be submitted for conference sessions, but applicants must be co-authors of at least one of them. Please note that the full paper must last 15 minutes (plus five minutes for discussion).

Before 28th February 2014
Speakers: 100€
Attendants: 50€
UA Students: 30€

After 28th February 2014
Speakers: 150€
Attendants: 75€
UA Students: 30€

The fee includes:
Attendance to all the sessions of the conference
Certificate of presentation (for speakers)
Certificate of attendance (for non-speakers)
Conference documentation
Proceedings of the conference (for speakers)
Coffee break & lunch

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings under an ISBN reference.

If you have any question please feel free to contact us at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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