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Friday, 13 December 2013 13:15

Empirical Translation Studies

23 to 25 May 2014

Shanghai, China

* * * Submission deadline: Dec. 31, 2013 * * *



As Translation Studies establishes itself as an independent discipline, there have also been apparent efforts among translation scholars towards enhanced objectivity in translation research. The past two decades have thus witnessed a growing interest in applying data-based empirical methods, e.g. the psycholinguistic and cognitive approach to translation processes and the corpus-based approach to the study of translated language and translators’ styles. Whilst these new approaches have made it possible to study translation in ways previously unavailable and have yielded interesting and significant findings, they are also met with doubts and even challenges. As we plough ahead with new empirical studies, it is also high time we critically reflect and review the methods as they are applied in studying the complexity of translation.

This conference aims at bringing together academics and researchers for a productive and rewarding exchange of insights, experiences and perspectives on current and future developments in data-based empirical research in translation studies. The themes include, but not limited to, the following:


  • Critical reviews on the data-based empirical research methods in translation studies
  • Empirical research on translation competence, strategies and processes
  • Empirical research on interpretation competence, strategies and processes
  • Empirical research on translation teaching (e.g. curricular issues, market needs, teaching methods, evaluation of training programmes, corpus-assisted translation teaching, etc.)
  • Corpus-based translation studies (e.g. features of translated language, translators’ styles.)
  • Data-based empirical studies on any other aspects of translation and interpretation not included in the above


You are cordially invited to send a one page abstract (approximately 500 words) in electronic format (preferably a Word attachment) to the conference organizing committee at the email address provided below by Dec. 31, 2013. All proposals will be blindly reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent by Feb. 28, 2014.

Language of the Conference

English will be the official language of the conference.

Conference Venue

The conference will be held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.

Registration Fees

The registrations fees will be 250 USD. which will include the conference fee, the book of abstracts, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners from 23 to 25 May. 

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: Dec. 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance: Feb. 28, 2014
Camera ready papers due: March 1, 2014
SICETS-1 Conference: May 23 - 25, 2014

Contact Information

Contact person:Wei Cui, Yang Han, Huiting Hu

email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For more information, please refer to the following website:

Organizing committee

1st Shanghai International Conference on Empirical Translation Studies 

Center for Translation Studies and Lexicography

Shanghai Jiaotong University & University of London

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