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Tuesday, 14 January 2014 09:27

11th Annual Translation Symposium

Call for Papers: The English & Translation Society (ETS) at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, is hosting the 11th Annual Translation Symposium on 6-9 April 2014. Organized by students, the event will seek to provide a platform for participants to discuss diverse theoretical and practical issues related to the role of translation in media and, specifically, news production.

Translation practices, strategies, norms and ethics in the field of news, and more applied analyses of narratives in specific contexts (e.g. the press, television, advertising, cinema, and the internet) will also be examined. As media/news translation is a broadly uncharted territory, at least, in the GCC region, the forum will consider the importance of translation in the circulation of news and narratives in this strategically vital region.
ETS invites participants to discuss the interrelationship between media in the widest sense and translation by addressing the following questions:

• What is the role played by translation in local and international news reporting?
• What happens when translators transfer information across linguistic, cultural and ideological boundaries?
• What impact do shifts in translations from English to Arabic and vice versa have on receivers and their perception of information?
• How do explicit/implicit translation choices result in different interpretations of one event by diverse readers?

We expect submissions for 20-minute presentations that consider any of the above issues.
Abstracts (roughly 400 words) and proposals for workshops should be sent to Dr Hisham Jawad at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 6 March 2014.

Languages: Arabic and English

Invited Keynote Speakers
Dr. Prof. Christina Schaeffner, Aston University, UK
Dr. Prof. Myriam Salama-Carr, University of Salford, UK
Dr. Christopher Rundle, University of Bologna, Italy

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