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Thursday, 06 February 2014 10:42

International Conference of Journals and Translation

This international conference is the first of its kind in its particular focus to examine the connection between translation and journal publication. The conference will be held at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China on 28-29 June 2014. It invites both empirical and theoretical expositions. Innovative, new paradigms which situate translation and journal publication/publishing in the production of literary forms, intellectual history, modernity, language hegemony, cultural and national identity etc. are all welcome.

  Under the umbrella of translation and journal publication, abstracts of papers may be submitted to the organizing committee on the following suggested – though not exclusive – themes:

    1. Journal as a vehicle of translation

    2. Literary translation and journal publication

    3. Scholarship, translation and journals

    4. Historical survey of a journal and its use of translation

    5. Globalisation, translation and cross-cultural dialogue

    6. Bilingual dictionaries and translation

    7. Intellectuals and the impact of translation

    8. Social change, translation and interpreting

    9. Modernity, translation and transformation

    10. Ethnicity, translation and tradition

    11. Language politics and cultural translation

    The journals referred to may take the traditional printed format, or exist as virtual publications. The notion of ‘translation’ is understood in a broad sense, including conventional translated texts (the source text can be identified), or adaptations, re-writings, journalistic productions which could be regarded as hybrid translations.

    Interested scholars are invited to submit a 250 to 300-word abstract by 10th March 2014. Contact information and academic affiliation should be included as well. Please send submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The official languages of the conference are English and Chinese.

    The conference is hosted by the School of Foreign Studies, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. It represents the efforts of Chinese translation scholars to interact with colleagues in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and beyond. A special feature of the conference is that editors of a number of prestigious journals of translation such asTranslation Studies, Perspectives, TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction, Chinese Translators Journal and Shanghai Translators Journal will attend the conference and share their views on the significance of translation and journal publication. Selected papers presented at the conference may be considered for publication afterwards.

 Conference participants coming from other countries or regions in China are advised to arrive in Guangzhou on 27 June 2014.

    Contact information: Yan, Fangming(颜方明86-13751750040); Li, Zhiyu(李知宇86-13824451625).

Registration Fees


Early bird rate (registration by April 30,2014)

  1. after May 1, 2014


USD 165
RMB 1,000

USD 200
RMB 1,200


USD 100
RMB 600

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