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Monday, 09 June 2014 12:39

International Workshop on Intralingual Translation

Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies

Boğaziçi University, Istanbul

27-28 November 2014

The standard definitions of "translation" commonly refer to transfer processes from one language into another or to the end product of such a transfer. However, translation is not only an interlingual and intercultural phenomenon. Translation also occurs within the "same" linguistic and cultural domain. One example of intralingual translation is the numerous varieties of expert-to-layperson communication where the sophisticated language of the text needs to be simplified for the layperson. Translation as the updating of archaic or older texts, modernization or cross-cultural adaptation of children's literature, replacing cultural words between different varieties of the same language, and rewritings within a postcolonial context are also types of intralingual translation. Moreover, narratives ranging from folktales, legends, and myths to some foundational texts are handed down from generation to generation through the process of oral-to-oral intralingual translation before being written down, that is, translated intralingually.

Despite the abundance of intralingual translations, there are very few theoretical studies on intralingual translation. In one of the first formulations by Roman Jakobson (1959), intralingual translation is defined as "rewording" and as an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language. The depiction of interlingual translation as "translation proper" in the same formulation remains still prevalent today, and intralingual translation is generally not visible, as interlingual translation is commonly understood, accepted, and institutionalized as "translation proper". In view of this, it is perhaps time to rethink the notion of intralingual translation and to explore the diverse practices and concepts of intralingual translation in different cultural and temporal settings. Just as is true with interlingual translation, intralingual translation too cannot be examined independent from its cultural, linguistic, and social context. In fact, when the language is the "same", the extra non-linguistic aspects are more prominently exposed. Examining intralingual translations from a historical-descriptive viewpoint can reveal much about the target system to which they belong.

From 27 to 28 November 2014, the Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, will host an International Workshop devoted to Intralingual Translation. This two-day event aims to bring together a select group of colleagues to discuss the diverse aspects of intralingual translation and provide a forum where further projects pertinent to this topic can be considered.

Dr. Sameh Hanna (University of Leeds), Professor Karen van Dyck (Columbia University), Professor Judy Wakabayashi (Kent State University), and Professor Luo Xuanmin (Tsinghua University) will deliver the keynote lectures and contribute to the discussions.

In the hope of expanding the boundaries of the field of Translation Studies, this workshop aims to look at specific uses of intralingual translation, with particular attention to its conceptualization, and explore the historical, theoretical, and interdisciplinary dimensions.

Submission of papers on all aspects of intralingual translation are invited, including, but not limited to:

* terms and concepts around intralingual translation in different cultural settings * historicity of intralingual translation * intralingual translation between different vernaculars * intralingual translation and nation-building * intralingual translation as implication of civilization change * oral-to-oral and oral-to-written intralingual translation * intralingual transcription * ideological and political motives for intralingual translation * influence of intralingual translation on interlingual translation * intralingual translation as adaptation of classics for children * intralingual translation as rewriting within a postcolonial setting * intralingual retranslations

Submissions should be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by September 1th 2014. Notification of acceptance will be sent by September 15th 2014.

Submissions should include a title, an abstract of no more than 300 words, three to five keywords indicating the subject area, the name of the presenter, a CV (in English), email address, institutional affiliation, and technical requirements for the presentation.

Working Languages: English and Turkish

Confirmed Speakers:

Dr. Sameh Hanna (University of Leeds)

Prof. Karen van Dyck (Columbia University)

Prof. Judy Wakabayashi (Kent State University)

Prof. Luo Xuanmin (Tsinghua University)


Local Organizing Committee:

Prof. Özlem Berk Albachten (Chair)

Dr. Martin Cyr Hicks

Dr. Arzu Akbatur


International Advisory Board:

Dr. Cemal Demircioğlu (Okan University)

Dr. Tülay Gençtürk Demircioğlu (Bogaziçi University)

Dr. Sameh Hanna (University of Leeds)

Prof. Karen van Dyck (Columbia University)

Prof. Judy Wakabayashi (Kent State University)

Prof. Luo Xuanmin (Tsinghua University)

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