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Wednesday, 26 April 2017 11:10

(Senior) Lectureship/Associate professor in Translation English-Dutch-English

Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.

Key responsibilities

Teaching and developing courses in translation English-Dutch-English (theoretical and applied) and translation studies, at undergraduate and graduate levels, in lecture and seminar formats;

Willingness to do research in the areas specified above, preferably in relation to the following sub-specialisations: Literary Translation, Legal Translation, Multimodal Translation & Subtitling. The candidate will gradually develop his/her own research agenda;

Supervision of MA theses, within the MA Linguistics track Translation in Theory & Practice (Dutch/English);

Contribution to administrative duties within LUCL;

The successful candidate will closely collaborate with other members of LUCL and especially with the staff of the MA Linguistics track Translation in Theory and Practice.


Selection criteria

A PhD in Translation or a related field, with demonstrable experience and expertise in translation (English-Dutch-English) and/or translation studies;

Proven ability to teach BA and MA courses within the field of translation (English-Dutch-English) and/or translation studies, and to design new courses in this area, in close cooperation with colleagues in the MA Linguistics track Translation in Theory and Practice. Applicants are expected to have skills that are relevant for translation from Dutch to English and English to Dutch, translation studies, CAT tools, terminology, Literary/Legal/Multimodal translation. Information on the MA Linguistics track Translation in Theory & Practice (Dutch/English) for the academic year 2016-2017 can be found at MA;

Proven experience in supervising BA/MA theses on topics relating to translation or translation studies;

Excellent research qualities in the area of translation (theoretical or applied) as proven by publication record;

Excellent didactic qualities (teaching evaluations; tertiary teaching qualification; etc.);

Administrative abilities, as measured against relative seniority;

The successful applicant will be expected to have at least a near-native-speaker level of competence in both English and Dutch (i.e. equivalent to a C2 qualification in the Common European Framework of Reference); applicants who do not fulfil this requirement will not be considered;

Upon appointment, the successful candidate is required to enter a nationally standardised tertiary teaching skills certification track (BKO or Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs), successful completion of which is a condition for extension of contract and tenure.



Candidates should submit *one* pdf document named ‘Family name – Given name – vacancy number’. This pdf should include:

• A motivation letter;
• A detailed cv, listing education and employment history, publications, grants and awards, etc.;
• A teaching statement (a description of courses taught and teaching interest);
• A research agenda with clear potential for grant applications to external funding agencies;
• Names, positions and contact information for three referees (no reference letters).

These documents should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., no later than May 14th 2017, mentioning the vacancy number in the subject line.


Further information:


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